Things I like

Through the Pages

Media: DSLR

This photo concept was of things I like so I took a photo of some of the books I have in my library, which I love to read, I did a close up photo using depth of field to highlight the first few books, while the later ones become more obscure and blur out, the top and bottom of the composition are filled with gray, darker parts of the shelves, this gives more highlight to the subject matter of the photo, the books. Also sunlight flooding through an adjacent window helps define the shapes and prints on the books.

Drive By

Media: DSLR

This is a photo of my car, this photo is a portrait orientation focusing on the lines leading farther way in the car, the reflection on the car helps the composition, giving a dual image of the bright background. The shadow of the car give dark undertones to the image, creating more contrast, to the bright, reflective, white car.