Enlarged Candy Still Life Painting

By Owen Hayden

Spilt M's

Medium(s): Paint, Sketchbook, Pencils, Paintbrushes, Pallet, and Water

The Enlarged candy still life, was a challenge and involved many different elements and techniques that I haven’t used, we have to build a model for our still life with candy and glue, then sketch out the candy in our sketchbooks. I got inspired through pictures and paintings I saw, I thought I did well with values and contrast, I was able to get straight lines and contrast different parts of the picture, I found success in mixing paints to get the right colors, and mixing them correctly to create value, and I had challenges with some of the smaller details, making precise strokes, I was able to overcome this with practice and trying different techniques to see what works. I added shadows to make objects more 3d, using sphere diagrams.