Steering Committee

At our next city-wide meeting in January, Our Revolution Somerville members will have the opportunity to elect our Steering Committee. If you are interested in running for a seat on the Steering Committee in 2019, please submit a one to three paragraph candidate statement declaring your intent to run to before December 15th. Elections will be held at our next city-wide meeting on January 13, 2019.

Note: the information below is from our election for the 2018 Steering Committee. We are working on updating this information for the 2019 Steering Committee election - stay tuned!

Election Overview

  • Annual elections will be conducted by secure electronic ballot in the week prior to a January Citywide meeting and by paper ballot at that meeting. Votes will be tallied and results announced by the end of that meeting.
  • All members who are residents of Somerville may vote. You are a member if you have signed up for the email list and attended a meeting or made a donation.
  • The winners of the election will be the 16 candidates with the most votes. These will compose the new Steering Committee.
  • Ballots will use the Approval voting method, with ‘None’ as an explicit option. Approval voting allows voters to vote for as many or as few candidates as they like.

Please see our Elections Proposal for more information.

Job Description

  • Attend monthly steering committee meetings and act as facilitator, note-taker, or accountability officer on a rotating basis. All SC members must attend at least half of SC meetings. Minimum attendance required: Half of all SC meetings.
  • Participate in discussion and decision making on administrative decisions.
  • Plan and attend quarterly City-Wide Meetings. Planning of city wide meetings consists of creating an agenda, preparing presentations, securing a location and materials, plus other logistics. Steering Committee members are often the speakers and presenters at city-wide meetings. While not every member of steering must take on these roles, a majority should feel comfortable doing so.
  • Participate in a subcommittee or workgroup.
  • Total time commitment of 3-5 hours, weekly.

Steering Committee Candidates

Matthew Miller

Christopher Lay

Surjeet Paintal

Luke Schaber

Donald "DJ" Cronin

Richard Hughes

Anosha Siripala

Nate Sabat

Kenneth Vanbuskirk

Monica Achen

Tessa Bridge

Melinda Green

Larry Rich

Nisa Marks

Erik Neu

Jon Leonard

Frank Lee

Michael Bowler

Harriotte Hurie Ranvig

Ben Bradlow

Fenna Krienen

Joyce Shortt

James Roberts Crall

Andy Greenspon

Colleen Fitzpatrick

Tori Antonino

Peter Insley

27 candidates applied to run for the 2018 ORS Steering Committee. Their candidate statements are collected here, in order of submission.

Stay tuned for more information about the 2019 Steering Committee candidates!