Our Revolution Somerville Candidate Questionnaire

Twenty-five candidates for local office, from the mayor’s seat to school committee, submitted applications seeking endorsement from Our Revolution Somerville (ORS). Of this original pool of applicants, 11 met the minimal criteria to be considered for an ORS endorsement, of which 10 were endorsed at our city-wide meeting held on July 30th. School committee candidates were considered in a later round of voting, where ORS members voted to endorse 4 school committee candidates. Candidates who are endorsed will be included in Our Revolution Somerville's progressive slate.

Candidates provided responses to 36 questions on topics such as campaign finance reform, regulations for real estate development, and whether candidates would support allowing non-citizens to vote in municipal elections. The responses from the School Committee candidates and the 11 candidates who were considered for a July 30 endorsement vote are collected in the links below. Included are a summary spreadsheet with responses from all candidates and relevant links to each candidate.

View Individual Responses

View Individual Responses

Responses from all candidates who completed the questionnaire are posted here:

View Individual Responses