November 9, 2017 - Our Revolution Somerville’s Endorsed Candidates Sweep into Office

For three months, Our Revolution Somerville has campaigned to elect its slate of endorsed candidates to the Board of Aldermen. On November 7, it succeeded beyond anyone’s expectations, sweeping into office Matt McLaughlin (Ward 1), JT Scott (Ward 2), Ben Ewen-Campen (Ward 3), Jesse Clingan (Ward 4), Mark Niedergang (Ward 5), Lance Davis (Ward 6), Will Mbah (At-Large), Mary Jo Rossetti (At-Large), and Bill White (At-Large), along with School Committee candidates Lee Erica Palmer (Ward 3), Laura J. Pitone (Ward 5), and Carrie Normand (Ward 7).

Three of the candidates (Scott, Ewen-Campen, and Mbah) were first-time challengers who defeated incumbents. Two other candidates (McLaughlin and Clingan) defeated opponents backed by Mayor Joe Curtatone.

On July 30, Our Revolution Somerville’s membership voted at a citywide meeting to endorse a slate of candidates. Its endorsement was followed by an ambitious organizing plan to educate voters. Members knocked on over 3,500 residents’ doors to identify supporters and ask them to commit to vote for the slate. Volunteers also distributed nearly 3,000 slate cards at community events, farmers markets and other gatherings.

Our Revolution also had over 1,000 phone conversations and sent texts to more than 3,600 people to help get out the vote for its endorsed slate of candidates. On election eve, the group put slate cards on more than 2,000 doors as a final reminder to vote.

“What was unprecedented for Somerville is that our campaign knit together twelve independent politicians into a coherent slate,” said Penelope Jennewein, a volunteer Somerville organizer who lives in Ward 2. “The challenge now will be to build on our successful campaign by winning measurable victories at the municipal level. By keeping the community fully engaged, we can ensure that our newly elected officials fight for real progressive change.”

The campaign is only the beginning of the group’s effort to energize and engage residents to make city government more responsive to the needs of the community rather than for-profit interests and big campaign donors.

“At our next city-wide organizing meeting, our issue committees will meet to begin setting a new Somerville municipal agenda,” said Jon Leonard, a volunteer organizer from Ward 1. Meetings and membership in Our Revolution Somerville are open to all residents.

September 12, 2017 - Candidate Endorsement Update

Our Revolution Somerville was deeply troubled when it learned in a Boston Globe article about the sexist and racist comments made by candidate for mayor Payton Corbett on Facebook several years ago (2013, 2009). We reject these statements wholeheartedly, as they violate our core values as an organization. We believe that we must oppose white supremacy and patriarchy in all their forms. As an organization, we believe that systemic racism and sexism are inextricably linked to the issue of economic inequality, and that it is impossible to end one without addressing the others.

One of the things that excited our organization about the candidacy of Payton Corbett was his broad experience fighting for racial, gender, and economic equality through his work as a union steward at a multiracial job site. However, we cannot overlook the severity of these statements. We strongly believe that no one is immune from the systemic racism and sexism in our society, and that people are capable of growth and should not be forever defined by their past mistakes. However, our commitment to building a multiracial and welcoming organization must take precedence. Therefore, we do not feel it is appropriate for our organization to continue to endorse Payton’s candidacy for mayor and Our Revolution Somerville rescinds its endorsement.

We will continue our #Vote4Justice campaign in Somerville by actively supporting the nine candidates for alderman whom we have endorsed. These candidates have pledged to create a Somerville where people have the resources to thrive, where working class families are stable, where immigrants are welcome, and where community always comes before profit.

In Solidarity,

Our Revolution Somerville Steering Committee

September 6, 2017 - Our Revolution Somerville School Committee Endorsements

Our Revolution Somerville is excited to endorse four candidates for School Committee. Our members endorsed Guillermo Hamlin (Ward 1), Lee Erica Palmer (Ward 3), Laura J. Pitone (Ward 5), and Carrie Normand (Ward 7). You can learn more about them and read their questionnaire responses and candidate statements below.

July 31, 2017 - Our Revolution Somerville Endorses a Slate of Local Candidates

On July 30th, 75 members of Our Revolution Somerville (ORS) voted to endorse a slate of candidates running for local office in Somerville.

23 candidates sought endorsement from ORS, eight of whom spoke at the meeting, putting forth their vision for progressive local politics.

10 applicants passed the 60% threshold to receive the endorsement of ORS: Payton Corbett (candidate for mayor), Matt McLaughlin (candidate for Ward 1 Alderman), JT Scott (candidate for Ward 2 Alderman), Ben Ewen-Campen (candidate for Ward 3 Alderman), Jesse Clingan (candidate for Ward 4 Alderman), Mark Niedergang (candidate for Ward 5 Alderman), Lance Davis (candidate for Ward 6 Alderman), Will Mbah (candidate for Alderman-at-Large), Mary Jo Rossetti (candidate for Alderman-at-Large) and Bill White (candidate for Alderman-at-Large).

Each candidate seeking ORS’s endorsement responded to 36 questions on various issues directly impacting Somerville residents. While the candidates unanimously supported several proposals, responses highlighted substantial differences, particularly in regards to campaign finance. Six of the applicants indicated they would accept campaign contributions from for-profit developers and developers’ close associates. Completed questionnaires from all candidates are publicly available here.

Candidates for school committee who applied for ORS endorsement will be considered at a later date. Vote counts for all ORS endorsements are available here.