February 2019 Report from the Our Revolution Somerville Tufts PILOT Working Group

One year ago ORS started a working group to ensure that there would be a significantly improved PILOT agreement with Tufts University. The Partnership would include both in-kind services and a cash payment or PILOT (payment in lieu of taxes). If Tufts were not tax-exempt, its local property tax bill would have been $6,700,500 or $3,945,360 each for Somerville and Medford. Instead Tufts paid $275,000 to each city for a PILOT that expired June 30, 2018.

Tufts needs to recognize the citizen and civic support and infrastructure that Somerville provides. Our goal and the city’s goal has been the same—to achieve a better partnership with Tufts. We requested a more transparent process for the negotiation that includes community involvement.

The Mayor has created a negotiation committee with 3 elected officials—the Somerville School’s Superintendent, a School Board member, President of the City Council, and 3 community representatives: Ben Echevarria, Edward Beuchert, and Joyce Shortt. In early February, after 3 meetings of the committee where we discussed values and priorities, the negotiations with Tufts began.

By collecting a variety of data, we learned that the Tufts Boston PILOT amount was based on 25% of what the taxes would be if the property was not exempt. We have asked for the same for Somerville and Medford, 25% of what the assessment would be if the property was taxable. That would bring us up to par with the 25% Boston expects and has been paid by Tufts for property located in Boston (Tufts Dental and Medical School). This would bring Somerville up from 4% to 25% of assessed value of property, a sizable increase.

We have also started collecting data about where Tufts students are living in Somerville. This map illustrates that Tufts students are not just competing for housing in the immediate vicinity of campus, but are adding to the demand for housing across the city, and likely beyond. We're continuing to collect more data and intend to make housing a major issue in these negotiations.

Half of the PILOT is expected to be in in-kind services and half in cash, both to be negotiated. The working group includes members of Our Revolution Somerville and Medford, the West Somerville Neighborhood Association, the Tufts Housing League, and other interested individuals. The next meeting will be held on February 28th at 7PM on the Tufts Campus. Exact location will be assigned a few days before the meeting. We welcome all to drop in, become part of the group, and join actions as they come up. Please contact ourrevolutionsomerville@gmail.com for more information.