Elections Proposal

ORS SC Elections proposal

● Annual elections will be conducted by electronic ballot in the week prior to a January Citywide meeting and at that meeting. We intend to tally votes and announce results at that meeting. If it takes longer than anticipated, we will send an announcement via email the following week.

● All members of Our Revolution Somerville who are residents of Somerville may vote. You are a member if you have signed up for the email list and attended a meeting or made a donation to Our Revolution Somerville.

● The winners of the election will be the 10 candidates with the most votes. These will compose the new Steering Committee.

● Ballots will use the Approval voting method, with a write-in option. Approval voting allows voters to vote for as many or as few candidates as they like.

● In the case of a tie for the sixteenth seat, a runoff election will be held electronically over email in the two weeks following the election.

ORS SC Election Contingencies

● If a SC member or members step down for any reason, the vacancies will be filled by a special ballot at the next Citywide meeting (with electronic polling open for the week prior). Temporary SC members may be appointed by nomination and a 60% vote of the SC in the interval.

● If 60% of the whole membership sign a petition requesting removal of a SC member, or 60% of the room votes to that effect at a Citywide meeting (based on a motion from the floor and with a quorum of 60 voting members), then that SC member is recalled. The vacancy will be filled in the manner described above.

ORS SC Campaign Mechanics

● Candidates must declare their candidacy by January 13. Any slates or coalitions must be announced by the end of December. The month of January is reserved for campaigning by declared candidates and slates.

● The ORS website will host written statements from each candidate, and will allow members to post (or email to comms) testimonials for candidates.

● Electioneering and campaigning will not be permitted at the site of the election on election day.

ORS SC Operating Mechanics

● The SC quorum for a valid vote is 60% (6 SC members).

● SC decisions require the assent of 60% of voting members.

● All ORS members are welcome to attend and speak at all SC meetings, but only SC members can vote on SC decisions.

● Each SC member must attend at least half of the monthly meetings. Missing three regularly scheduled meetings within a four month rolling period will result in removal from the Steering Committee.