DevOps Vs Agile

There are two standard development strategies Agile and DevOps used by business enterprises to build software at a faster and efficient rate. While both methodologies are similar but there are notable DevOps Vs Agile differences. But first, a short introduction is required to each function for better understanding.

What Is Agile?

Agile is an iterative technique that focuses on collaboration, organization, and feedback to complete a project at a faster and more efficient manner. It is implemented on the project management side of software development to accomplish tasks quickly. The Agile technique is carried out using smaller teams with continuous testing.

What Is DevOps?

DevOps is a collaborative technique between development and IT operations teams implemented all through software development lifecycle. The goal is to enhance the speed of product development and deployment.

DevOps Vs Agile - What's the Difference?

So what is the difference and which are better DevOps Services or you should invest in Agile? Although both are focused on the collaboration to boost speed and efficiency, there are numerous differences when it comes to goal attainment.

Here are some critical differences in the Agile Vs DevOps discussion.

1. Process

One difference is in the methodology regarding how specific tasks are executed. In Agile, communication occurs between teams and customers at constant basis, with necessary changes being made to ensure quality. While in DevOps, the focus is on testing and delivery, but the communication is majorly between developers and IT operations.

2. Teams

Another difference to understand is the team structure. Larger teams implement DevOps with the skill set is bifurcated amid team members within operations and development. This clearly states each team member has a particular task to complete. While in Agile, teams are small to complete work faster. No specific task is assigned to team members but instead encourages all members to share responsibilities equally.

3. Focus and Feedback

Another DevOps Vs Agile difference is about the focus and feedback. The DevOps tend to focus on operational and business readiness depending on the feedbacks coming from internal team members. Agile typically means feedback from consumers. Agile use sprints, with each sprint last for a month. The sprint tasks are completed in increments with one sprint starting instantly after the previous sprint is finished. With DevOps, deadlines are required to meet, some of which can occur daily.

4. Tools

Both development strategies tend to use different tools, as per the project requirements. With Agile, project-management tools comprise of Kanboard, Jira and Bugzilla server software. DevOps implements tools like AWS cloud computing services, TeamCity servers, Puppet automation software, OpenStack software, and Chef.

Additional Differences

  • In agile, a separate team is responsible for developing, testing, and deploying the software. In DevOps, engineering role is responsible for everything; development is operations, and operation is development.

  • DevOps is more related to cost-cutting, and Agile is more to reducing waste with concepts like minimum viable product (MVP) are relevant.

So, these are the key differences to understand before making a strategy to implement desired development technique.

Wrapping Up

With these key differences in mind, it’s clear to see that both Agile and DevOps bring the end-user value, in a more efficient manner. Agile focuses on making developers and development work highly efficient, while DevOps brings the operations team into play to allow continuous integration and delivery. Always look for dedicated DevOps developers in order to achieve desired business output in a cost-effective manner. They will assist you in the best possible and timely manner without any delay.