Pre-harvest Risk Assessment


Pre-harvest Risk Assessment


A pre-harvest assessment of the crop production areas is performed and risks are documented before each harvest in the Harvest Log. Risks which are monitored in the pre-harvest risk assessment include things such as the following:

  • Are toilet and handwash facilities properly located, clean, stocked, and functioning?
  • Is there evidence of unauthorized entry or physical contamination in the crop area?
  • Is there evidence of domestic or wild animal crop damage?
  • If areas are contaminated are they isolated for “no-harvest”?

Harvesting Containers & Equipment


All objects that come into contact with produce must be clean, in good working condition, and cleaned and sanitized between uses. This includes, for example, hand-harvesting equipment (knives, pruners, etc), harvesting containers, transportation equipment, and bulk hauling vehicles. Harvesting containers will not be used for carrying anything but produce. Containers are kept in good repair and damaged ones are either marked as such, discarded, or repaired. Used, soiled or contaminated equipment will be placed in the designated 'dirty' zones or containers and will be washed, sanitized, and returned to their storage location. Containers and equipment not in use will be stored in a clean and secure location. Employees are trained in use of containers (refer to SOP - Cleaning and Sanitizing Food Contact Surfaces).

Harvesting Contamination Risks


If a contamination event occurs involving broken glass/plastic or a chemical spill or leak, one of the following procedures are observed:

Broken Glass or Plastic Standard Operating Procedure:

  1. If broken glass or plastic is found, or broken glass is observed during harvest, harvesting activity is stopped as soon as possible.
  2. The area is thoroughly inspected and all shards are picked up and disposed of.
  3. Depending on the source and size of breakage, the area around the original breakage may be marked off-limits for harvest.
  4. All potentially contaminated and contaminated produce is disposed of (refer to SOP - Disposal of Contaminated Foods).

Chemical or Biological Spill or Leak Standard Operating Procedure:

  1. Immediate action will be taken to stop the spill or leak including from toilet facilities (refer to SOP - Hazardous Materials).
  2. The contaminated area is isolated and all contaminated produce is disposed of (refer to SOP - Disposal of Contaminated Foods).
  3. For egregious spills or leaks, a call will be made to the Agriculture Pollution/Spills Hot Line: 1-800-405-0101. This 24-hour hot line is used for reporting accidental agricultural pesticide, fertilizer and manure spills. The recommendations of the hot line and/or any relevant Material Safety Data Sheets will be followed for remediation steps.

Field Packing & Packing Area Materials


Only new or clean and sanitized containers are used for both field packing products and products packed in in the packing area. Final packing materials used in field pack and packing area operations are protected from sources of contamination.

GAP/GHP Checklist Reference: 2-1, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-14, 2-18