Farm Food Safety Manual


Scope of Farm Food Safety Program Statement

The following manual defines specific, measurable steps taken to reduce the risk of microbial, physical, and chemical hazards from contaminating our farm products. This farm food safety manual is designed to address the guidelines in the United States Department of Agriculture Good Agricultural Practices/Good Handling Practices (GAP/GHP) Audit Verification Checklist. We have received GAP/GHP training. Included in this manual is:

  • General information about our farm
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) outlining the policies and procedures for our operation
  • Current documents and records showing evidence that the food safety plan is being implemented and followed

The Farm Food Safety Manual is reviewed and updated annually to meet our needs and reflect any relevant changes to food safety laws, rules, and guidelines.

Farm Food Safety Manager Signature: Ben Bylsma

Signature of person responsible if Farm Food Safety Manager is absent: Rachel Bair

GAP/GHP Checklist Reference: P-1, P-2