Online Therapist for OCD and Intrusive Thoughts

Online Therapist for overcoming OCD intrusive thoughts

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy over Skype for Controlling Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on medications

Mindfulness Therapy provides a very good therapeutic approaches for overcoming obsessive thoughts and behaviors by teaching you how to work with OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness

To break free from the OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying emotion, usually fear, that fuels intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exprosure Therapy for OCD


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Best Online Therapy Service for OCD

So the way to break free from those patterns of emotional reactivity that cause our anxiety and that fuel our obsessions is to learn how to form a mindfulness-based relationship with them and to train with those those thoughts and the anxiety. We train ourself to sit with them without becoming reactive.

When you can sit with your emotions and thoughts without allowing them to proliferating further, then you are taking away the fuel source that feeds the underlying anxiety that fuels those intrusive thoughts. So learning to sit with your emotions and thoughts is the heart of the Mindfulness Meditation Therapy approach that I teach for overcoming OCD.

This approach is very effective and it's very effective because it's very direct. It is about working directly with your emotions. Just talking about your emotions is seldom enough to change the underlying reactivity that feeds your anxiety. You have to change your relationship to that reactivity directly so that you do not become blindly identified with it, blindly caught up in the reactive thinking or in the emotion itself.

The more you can develop this quality of objective consciousness where you can maintain your identity as your True Self, the Observer, looking at your emotions and thoughts as objects in the mind the freer you become and the faster the recovery.

With training you see the thoughts and the anxiety as simply objects in the mind that you can observe and respond to with compassion. That's the power of this teaching - it frees you, it liberates you from emotional suffering by allowing you to strengthen your perspective as your True Self.

Connection with that True Self is exactly what the anxiety needs in order to heal itself. So your True Self is fearless by nature because it is non-reactive.

The anxiety is completely fear-based. In order to resolve fear, it needs to come into contact with that which is fearless and that is your True Self. So this is what we cultivate by meditating on our thoughts and the emotions that fuel those thoughts, which is generally fear.

So do please contact me if you'd like to learn more about this approach. And if you're interested in online help for overcoming your obsessive compulsive disorder, or if you would like help with working with intrusive thoughts and images, including traumatic memory images, which are often at the heart of OCD.

So please contact me if you would like help in overcoming OCD, and also ask any questions you may have about online psychotherapy for obsessive compulsive disorder. Thank you.

Online therapist for OCD

Online Mindfulness Therapist for OCD - Treatment of OCD without medication

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional mindfulness-based therapist, based in Colorado, USA and I offer online therapy for anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and particularly for the treatment of OCD.

I get a lot of requests for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder and particularly with intrusive thoughts. Many people suffer quite severely from intrusive repetitive thoughts that just basically obsess the mind and cause a lot of suffering and lead to a lot of unwanted behaviors to try and avoid and get away from these intrusive thoughts.

So if you're looking for an online therapist for OCD and you would like help in working with intrusive thoughts then please go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I offer for treating OCD and anxiety disorders in general. And please send me an email if you have any questions.

Most people really enjoy the mindfulness approach because it's very practical. It teaches you how to neutralize those intrusive obsessive thoughts.

Trying to approach the problem of obsessive and intrusive thoughts by some sort of rational thinking approach is just not going to work. In fact you already know that these intrusive thoughts are not rational and not likely to occur, but it doesn't stop them.

This is because the intrusive thoughts have a very strong emotional charge and it's that emotional charge that causes them to stay in the mind and to repeat over and over again. It is the emotional charge that we have to work with and that's the primary focus in Mindfulness Therapy.

It doesn't matter whether the thought is rational or irrational. That's not the point. The point is that you have to neutralize that emotional charge to allow that thought to subside and heal.

If you really want to stop intrusive thoughts you must neutralize the emotional charge of those thoughts. So the way we do this in Mindfulness Therapy is by actually meditating on those intrusive thoughts.

We don't try to run away from them, we don't try to avoid them. We actually meditate on them, which means we hold them as a primary object in our meditation. We look at the thoughts and we start to change our relationship to them. That's the first and most important thing.

So typically, what happens with a highly charged emotional intrusive thoughts is that when ever they arise in the mind we become completely consumed by them, we become overwhelmed by the thoughts, we become identified with them.

So the first step in mindfulness training is learning to literally sit with those thoughts without becoming reactive, without reacting with fear, which is the primary energy in intrusive thoughts, or aversion, some form of hatred or resistance. We have to learn to sit with it and not react.

That is the first training and the only way to do that is to consciously and actively focus on that thought; on training in that way, to sit with the thought. You can't do it by some other indirect method. You must work directly with those intrusive thoughts.

The second part of our mindfulness work is becomes possible once you stop reacting or identifying with those obsessive thoughts. Then we work on neutralizing the emotional charge, and that really is mostly about working with the imagery of the thought, because emotions work through imagery and very highly emotional thoughts or images, for that matter, or memories or other intrusive type imagery.

The thing that makes it emotionally powerful is the properties of that imagery itself, how you see it and the mind is what creates the emotion itself. So we look at this imagery and then we start to change it, because when you have a non-reactive conscious, mindful relationship with the intrusive or obsessive thought, then you can begin to explore changing it, changing its properties. For example making it a lot smaller.

So an obsessive or compulsive thought, by its nature will be very large. The imagery is probably also going to be very close. And that is what creates the intense emotional charge of the thought: it's position, its size, and color. All of these details of the imagery are what actually cause the emotion.

So if you'd like to learn practical ways of working with your OCD and intrusive thoughts, then please reach out to me and schedule a Skype Therapy session.


Online Therapist for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Online therapy for OCD

Online therapy for OCD