Online Therapist for OCD

Online Therapist for OCD via Skype

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist via Skype for Managing Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without using drugs

Are you looking for online therapy for OCD?

Are you looking for an alternative to medications?

Mindfulness Therapy provides a very good approach for gaining freedom from intrusive thoughts and behaviors by teaching you how to work with OCD thoughts and impulses using Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy

To break free from the OCD and obsessive-intrusive thoughts you MUST learn how to neutralize the underlying emotion, usually fear, that fuels intrusive thoughts and compulsive behaviors

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exprosure Therapy for OCD

Details about session times and cost on my main website:

Online Therapist for the treatment of OCD

Related Linkedin article: Online Therapist for OCD


Online Therapist for OCD

Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

The principal teaching in Mindfulness Therapy for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) is to learn how to meditate on your intrusive thoughts and on the impulses that lead to compulsive actions. The critical teaching here is that we must develop a conscious relationship with our thoughts and with our emotions. Mindfulness meditation provides one of the best and most direct ways of developing a conscious relationship with your mind.

The biggest problem that I come across when helping people manage OCD is that people fall into a habit of avoidance. You try to blot out or escape from those unpleasant intrusive thoughts and you react against those impulses to convert your intrusive thoughts into actions through willpower, through cultivating aversion to those compulsive impulses.

 This will not work. The more that you react either through avoidance or through aversion, the stronger the underlying emotional charge will be for those intrusive thoughts and compulsive impulses. 

So trying to overcome OCD through willpower or through rational thinking or some other cognitive process is not usually a very effective. 

One of my main criticisms of cognitive behavioral therapy for OCD is that it tries to convince people that the intrusive thoughts and impulses are irrational and not real, and that you can simply replace them with more rational or positive thoughts and behaviors. But, in my experience, this is not an effective approach. People already know that their OCD thoughts and impulses are irrational. That is not the issue for the vast majority of people. The problem is they can't stop themselves reacting. They can't stop those repetitive thoughts and behaviors. They are just too strong. 

What makes Intrusive thoughts and impulses strong is the emotional charge of those thoughts and impulses. The strength of the emotional charge is the issue, not irrational thinking, and this is the primary focus in Mindfulness Therapy. We work on those emotions. We work on neutralizing the underlying emotions, not the thoughts. 

The thoughts and the behaviors are secondary, they are the logical consequences of those very strong underlying emotions. The intrusive-obsessive thoughts are simply the byproducts of the underlying emotion.

So if you want to overcome OCD, you have to work with the underlying emotions that are giving power to your intrusive thoughts or memories, including traumatic memories, as in PTSD. You have to neutralize the emotion in order for those thoughts and memories and impulses to heal and to resolve and to stop being intrusive.

The thoughts are intrusive simply because they have a high emotional charge. So the mind is doing exactly what it's supposed to do. The mind brings into into our awareness, thoughts, memories, experiences that have a high emotional charge and those that don't have a high emotional charge resolve very quickly. 

So the mind is working perfectly. The problem is not the thoughts but rather the emotional charge underneath that has become fixed and has become stuck and unresolved.

Most thoughts and experiences arise and pass away quite quickly. But in the case of OCD thoughts and impulses, they don't pass away. They stay for a long period of time in the mind because of that strong emotional charge. That is what MUST heal in order for thoughts to stop being intrusive. 

So we work at the emotional level. And the primary way that we work with the emotional charge that's fueling intrusive thoughts and behaviors is by learning how to meditate on our emotions and thoughts. So instead of trying to avoid our thoughts and impulses, we actually do the opposite, we bring them into full conscious awareness, which is really quite different than how they usually arise, which is subconscious and habitual. OCD is basically formed around conditioned habits. These are subconscious, habitual reactions that keep those thoughts arising over and over again. It's a habit. Habits thrive when there is very little or no consciousness.

So we need to overcome that unconscious habit. And that's a central part of the teaching of mindfulness therapy as I have developed it for treating OCD. It's about developing full conscious awareness around those specific obsessive thoughts and compulsive emotional impulses.

During meditation you learn to be fully present with your thoughts and emotions. Developing this very special quality of conscious awareness that we call "objective consciousness", where you are able to see the thoughts and emotions, but as an observer, rather like watching a movie as the audience. 

The real issue here is that we become lost in the movie of our mind and that is what perpetuates OCD. So we learn to meditate on our mind. We learn to bring those intrusive thoughts deliberately into our awareness to develop this objective consciousness. We learn to be very present with those thoughts and the underlying emotion that are fueling the thoughts. This is what leads to healing. This is the necessary step for healing and recovery from OCD. 

So willpower, which is really cultivating aversion towards the impulses and thoughts, is actually taking conscious awareness away from those emotions and thoughts as we become ensnared in the conditioned awareness of aversion or dislike or hatred or criticism of those thoughts and impulses. 

So we need to learn to be present directly, without any reactivity at all, without any aversion, without any avoidance, without any cognitive reactivity. Trying to understand the emotion, trying to change our beliefs and things of that nature will be ineffective. Beliefs change themselves once the emotional impulse that fuels those particular beliefs changes.

 You have to change things at the emotional level in order for beliefs and obsessive thoughts to change. If that emotional charge remains strong, then the obsessive belief will remain active. For example, the belief that if I don't wash my hands 10 more times, then I will be carrying those germs to my family. So I must wash my hands 10 more times. That's a belief. And what keeps it strong and active is the emotional charge of that belief. The problem is not being irrational; the problem lies in the emotional charge that cause us to attach to the belief.

Heal the Underlying Fear

The most common emotional charge around OCD is fear. So we need to learn to heal that fear. 

The best way to heal fear is by developing a conscious, mindful relationship with that fear. We learn to see the fear as being like a child. It can't free itself from its own fear so it goes to its parent for comforting. We need to establish the same kind of inner relationship with our fear. The True Self-Little Self alliance is what I call it, and that is the most effective and necessary step for healing the fear that is keeping those obsessive thoughts active in the case of handwashing.

Once that fear is resolved you will no longer be dominated by those intrusive thoughts. They will cease to have any effect, any meaning. They will not convert into the impulse to wash your hands because there's no emotional charge behind them. They are neutralized and are now just empty thoughts and they just resolve to be replaced by more functional, positive thoughts quite naturally and without any effort. 

So we have to work at the emotional level of OCD. That's the primary teaching in Mindfulness Therapy. And this is what I will teach you during our sessions together as an online therapist. 

I will teach you these very specific mindfulness tools for overcoming your OCD. 

Online therapy is an excellent option for working with anxiety disorders and also for depression and PTSD and other forms of emotional suffering that are caused by these underlying subconscious habits.

The key requirement for successful online therapy is that you can see your therapist by a Skype or Zoom or FaceTime or other video platform. Being able to see each other makes communication effective and that's necessary for good psychotherapy. 

So if you're suffering from OCD and you would like to get help from an online therapist to treat that OCD using mindfulness, then do please contact me so we can schedule a Skype Therapy session.

You can expect to see very noticeable improvements in your obsessive, intrusive thoughts and compulsive actions in a relatively short time, once you start applying these mindfulness techniques that I'll be teaching you. 

So please contact me so we can schedule a Skype Therapy session to help you on your path of recovery from obsessive compulsive disorder. Thank you. 

Online therapist for OCD and intrusive thoughts
Online therapy for OCD

Online therapy for OCD

Online Mindfulness Therapist for OCD - Treatment of OCD without medication

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapy via Skype for Dealing with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without using drugs

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional mindfulness-based therapist, based in Colorado, USA and I offer online therapy for anxiety disorders, depression, addictions, and particularly for the treatment of OCD. 

I get a lot of requests for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder and particularly with intrusive thoughts. Many people suffer quite severely from intrusive repetitive thoughts that just basically obsess the mind and cause a lot of suffering and lead to a lot of unwanted behaviors to try and avoid and get away from these intrusive thoughts. 

So if you're looking for an online therapist for OCD and you would like help in working with intrusive thoughts then please go to my website and learn more about the online therapy service that I offer for treating OCD and anxiety disorders in general. And please send me an email if you have any questions. 

Most people really enjoy the mindfulness approach because it's very practical. It teaches you how to neutralize those intrusive obsessive thoughts. 

Trying to approach the problem of obsessive and intrusive thoughts by some sort of rational thinking approach is just not going to work. In fact you already know that these intrusive thoughts are not rational and not likely to occur, but it doesn't stop them. 

This is because the intrusive thoughts have a very strong emotional charge and it's that emotional charge that causes them to stay in the mind and to repeat over and over again. It is the emotional charge that we have to work with and that's the primary focus in Mindfulness Therapy. 

It doesn't matter whether the thought is rational or irrational. That's not the point. The point is that you have to neutralize that emotional charge to allow that thought to subside and heal. 

If you really want to stop intrusive thoughts you must neutralize the emotional charge of those thoughts. So the way we do this in Mindfulness Therapy is by actually meditating on those intrusive thoughts. 

We don't try to run away from them, we don't try to avoid them. We actually meditate on them, which means we hold them as a primary object in our meditation. We look at the thoughts and we start to change our relationship to them. That's the first and most important thing. 

So typically, what happens with a highly charged emotional intrusive thoughts is that when ever they arise in the mind we become completely consumed by them, we become overwhelmed by the thoughts, we become identified with them. 

So the first step in mindfulness training is learning to literally sit with those thoughts without becoming reactive, without reacting with fear, which is the primary energy in intrusive thoughts, or aversion, some form of hatred or resistance. We have to learn to sit with it and not react. 

That is the first training and the only way to do that is to consciously and actively focus on that thought; on training in that way, to sit with the thought. You can't do it by some other indirect method. You must work directly with those intrusive thoughts. 

The second part of our mindfulness work is becomes possible once you stop reacting or identifying with those obsessive thoughts. Then we work on neutralizing the emotional charge, and that really is mostly about working with the imagery of the thought, because emotions work through imagery and very highly emotional thoughts or images, for that matter, or memories or other intrusive type imagery. 

The thing that makes it emotionally powerful is the properties of that imagery itself, how you see it and the mind is what creates the emotion itself. So we look at this imagery and then we start to change it, because when you have a non-reactive conscious, mindful relationship with the intrusive or obsessive thought, then you can begin to explore changing it, changing its properties. For example making it a lot smaller. 

So an obsessive or compulsive thought, by its nature will be very large. The imagery is probably also going to be very close. And that is what creates the intense emotional charge of the thought: it's position, its size, and color. All of these details of the imagery are what actually cause the emotion. 

So if you'd like to learn practical ways of working with your OCD and intrusive thoughts, then please reach out to me and schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

Online Mindfulness Therapy to overcome OCD intrusive thoughts via Skype

Online therapy to manage obsessive intrusive thoughts

Welcome. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I provide online psychotherapy for OCD. So if you're interested in getting help from an online psychotherapist for the treatment of OCD and for work with intrusive thoughts and intrusive memories and other forms of intrusive thinking, then please reach out to me. 

I offer all my sessions through Skype. Skype is really important for online therapy because it allows you to see each other and this greatly improves the effectiveness of communication, which clearly is needed for good quality psychotherapy.

During our online psychotherapy sessions for OCD we learn how to break free from the blind habitual reactivity in the mind where we become blindly identified with these intrusive thoughts or obsessive thoughts. 

This is critical because if we become blindly identified with the thoughts, then they basically control us. And this leads to the proliferation of more intrusive thoughts, which in turn feeds the underlying emotion, whatever that may be, that's feeding the intrusive thoughts. So we need to stop this process of proliferation of reactive thinking in the mind.

The way we go about that in Mindfulness Therapy, which is what I teach for the treatment of obsessive compulsive disorder and intrusive thoughts is by learning how to meditate on those thoughts.

 So we don't avoid the thoughts. That's the worst thing you can do, because if you try to avoid the thoughts, as painful as they may be, you will simply feed the underlying fear, the emotional charge that makes those thoughts intrusive. So we don't want to avoid our thoughts.

Instead, we want to meditate on them, which is a process of choosing to bring them into the mind, but to remain fully present as a conscious observer. This is what makes all the difference. So by meditating on our intrusive thoughts or memories or images we are training ourselves out of this habit of reactive identification and we start to see the thoughts more as objects in the mind. This helps us detach from them. They become objects and we become the observer of those objects.

This produces a very significant shift in the mind and starts to fundamentally resolve the emotional charge of the thought. When you stop feeding it, it starts to heal. 

So we learn to meditate on our thoughts. We learn to develop that healthy distance from the intrusive-obsessive thoughts. Then we we can start to develop a response pattern that helps resolve the underlying fear, learning how to comfort the fear internally. 

Finding a way of being with the fear that helps it heal. This is called the response of compassion, which is very much a part of mindfulness, and Mindfulness Therapy is about developing this internal consciousness and compassion towards those emotions that are in pain. This is what is needed for healing. And it's very effective. 

Trying to stop thinking by willpower, trying to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, arguing with them and trying to convince yourself that those thoughts are irrational and you shouldn't be thinking them is not an effective way of overcoming OCD.

Those kind of cognitive processes don't really work. The reason they don't work is because they are at the wrong level. They are at this same level as the intrusive thoughts that you're trying to change. Thoughts cannot change thoughts very effectively.

 If you want to achieve freedom from intrusive thoughts, you have to change and heal the underlying emotion that is feeding those thoughts. And that is the function of meditating on the thoughts so we can find that emotion, which is usually fear, and help it heal.

 We can help it heal mostly by developing this internal relationship where you are the observer, which is your True Self, and that does not react out of fear to those fear-based intrusive thoughts. This is what is needed to heal intrusive thoughts. You have to bring your True Self into connection with the Little Self, the fear. 

So if you'd like to learn more about working with an online psychotherapist for OCD and you like the idea of online psychotherapy via Skype, then do please contact me and  schedule a therapy session via Skype. 

Let an online therapist help you overcome Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

Get started with online therapy for OCD via Skype

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong, and I am a professional On line Therapist. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy for treating a range of conditions, including anxiety, depression, stress, addictions and also for the online treatment of OCD, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder.

So, how does Mindfulness Therapy work? Well, briefly, Mindfulness Therapy teaches you how to control the reactive thoughts that cause reactive-compulsive behaviors. 

We learn how to establish what is called a Mindfulness-based Relationship with our compulsive thoughts, so that we can hold those thoughts in our awareness without becoming overwhelmed by them. When we can do this, then we can start to examine the underlying emotion that duels the obsessive thoughts - and this is essential for the treatment of OCD.

Working with that underlying emotion using mindfulness allows us to change the structure of how that emotion operates in the mind. So, once you can change the underlying emotions, then you take the fuel away from the obsessive thinking and this then stops that obsessive thinking converting into compulsive behaviors.

So, if you would like to learn more about Mindfulness Therapy for OCD, please contact me through my website. Send me an email and then we can discuss if Online Therapy for OCD is a good choice for you, and I will explain more detail about how this works, and then we can schedule a Skype Therapy Session for your OCD. So, please, if you are interested in Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, contact me now.


See therapist online for kelp overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

How to get rid of obsessive compulsive OCD intrusive thoughts - Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD

The secret is to learn how to train with your intrusive thoughts or memories using mindfulness so that you can break out of the habit of emotional reactivity that creates the anxiety or depression. I will teach you how to do this.

My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy which I offer online via Skype for the treatment of anxiety disorders including obsessive compulsive disorder, using mindfulness therapy, which is very effective for helping you manage the uncontrollable habitual thought reactions that characterize OCD. 

So working with intrusive thoughts is very important for managing not only OCD but also other anxiety disorders and depression as well. This reactive thinking or rumination is what fuels anxiety and depression. And the problem that most people find is that they become a prisoner of these intrusive thoughts, that they keep coming back and stimulating and recreating the anxiety or depression. 

So managing intrusive thoughts is very important for working with almost all forms of emotional suffering. Mindfulness Therapy is a way of training with these thoughts. So the biggest problem typically is that people avoid intrusive or negative or emotionally painful thoughts. When you avoid intrusive thoughts you prevent them changing. You prevent them healing or resolving. 

So avoidance is the first thing that we must overcome. We must not fall into the trap of avoiding intrusive thoughts or trying to get away from them or trying to push them away or trying to replace them with positive thoughts. That may seem like a good idea, but it's just another form of avoidance, and avoidance feeds the problem of habitual reactive thinking. 

So we must stop avoiding and instead we actually learn to develop a conscious relationship with those disturbing intrusive thoughts based on conscious awareness, based on mindfulness. I will teach you how to meditate on these disturbing thoughts. This is the way that leads to resolution that helps end those intrusive thoughts. 

Learning to meditate on them means building that conscious and non-reactive relationship to the thoughts. That's what's needed to resolve them. And it's a process whereby we train, essentially train with the thoughts, learning to be non-reactive and not becoming identified with them. 

This is something that is quite easy for you to do as long as you understand clearly what you're doing and you get a little guidance, and that's what I will teach you during these online therapy sessions for OCD. 

I will teach you how to work with these intrusive thoughts, how to train with them so that you can overcome this pattern of habitual identification and reactivity that simply feeds the thoughts. 

So if you like to learn more about how to work with intrusive thoughts using mindfulness therapy, and really get into the heart of the problem and changing those underlying habits, then please do email me and schedule a Skype Therapy session. 

People see results quite quickly when they start applying this very mindfulness and consciousness focused approach to working with intrusive thoughts on other aspects of OCD such as intrusive memories. That's a very common feature for PTSD. Working with very emotionally charged and disturbing memories that become intrusive. 

We use the same kind of principles in mindfulness therapy. We do not avoid them. Instead we learn how to train with them so that we can help those memories resolve naturally so they no longer become a problem. 

So if you would like to learn more, simply email me and schedule a session. I see clients via Skype. I like Skype because it allows you to see each other and that is really important for psychotherapy, because you need to understand the principles that I will be teaching, and to do that you really need to see me and I need to see you so we can establish a really good level of communication. 

If you do that then Skype Therapy is really no different than meeting in person.


Online Therapist provides Counseling for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

How to treat OCD and intrusive thoughts with Mindfulness Therapy

You do not need medications to treat Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. Instead you should learn how to work with the emotional part that makes intrusive thoughts intrusive. This is what we work on during online mindfulness therapy sessions.

So how to treat OCD without medication? So, OCD, obsessive-compulsive disorder, is a problem in which we become prisoners of intrusive thoughts. Essentially we become prisoners of highly emotionally charged thoughts whatever they might be. There can be many many different types of obsessive thoughts or beliefs that we're struggling with. 

But the key component here is that the thoughts are emotionally charged. So in order to overcome OCD you have to neutralize this emotional charge that makes those thoughts so intrusive. And that's what we focus on during online Mindfulness Therapy sessions for treating OCD. 

We actually learn how to meditate on those thoughts. We introduce those intrusive thoughts into the mind and then we learn how to change our relationship to those thoughts so that we can become the Observer observing the thought as an object in the mind instead of our usual habit which is to become identified with the thought and therefore become reactive and overcome by the thought. 

When we become reactive and identified with intrusive thoughts that simply feeds those intrusive thoughts, it feeds the emotional energy behind the thoughts and that leads to proliferation of intrusive thoughts, which creates even more emotional suffering. 

So when we are meditating on the same intrusive thoughts, we're learning to break that pattern of reactive identification, we learn to see the thoughts without reacting. And that's the first essential step in the treatment of OCD using mindfulness. 

We have to completely break the habit of becoming overwhelmed by the thoughts, we have to be able to learn how to sit with those thoughts without becoming identified with them. That's an essential part of mindfulness training to overcome OCD. 

A second part of working with the emotional content of the intrusive thoughts is to actually work with their imagery, and this is quite a novel concept to most people, but emotional imagery is very, very important. This is what actually creates the emotion that is triggered by the thoughts. 

The imagery: how you see it in the mind. How big are the intrusive thoughts? What position does it have in your psychological space? Do you see it in the mind? Do you see it in the heart or the stomach? Do you see it in front of you or above you? The position of thoughts is part of their imagery and that's an extremely important part of what makes those thoughts emotionally charged. 

So the imagery is what creates the emotion and the emotion is what causes the thoughts to become intrusive and repetitive and prevents the thoughts from simply resolving themselves like other thoughts. 

So we work with this imagery and we work on changing this imagery and when we change the imagery you change that emotional charge. When you change the emotional charge of a thought, the thought begins to subside and lose power in the mind. 

So those are two parts of what I will teach you during online therapy sessions for your OCD, and the mindfulness approach works extremely well and most people will see quite substantial changes after three to four sessions of practicing mindfulness meditation on thoughts. 

If you'd like to learn more, go to my website and please email me if you'd like to schedule a therapy session with me via Skype to help you overcome your OCD. Thank you. 

Online Mindfulness-based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for OCD

OCD specialist online

If you wish to talk with a psychotherapist online, then visit my website to learn about Online Psychotherapy through Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, addictions, OCD, PTSD, Emotional Trauma and other forms of emotional suffering not requiring medical treatment.

Conventional talk therapy can be useful, but often common talk therapy does not transform the the underlying process that is the real cause of your emotional suffering.

The same can be said for medications - the prescription medications may reduce symptoms for a while, but medications will not transform the underlying process that produces your anxiety or depression.

The type of psychotherapy that I offer is called Mindfulness Therapy, which can be quite powerful for managing chronic anxiety as well as for treating depression or other emotional issues caused by habitual reactive thinking. Most of my clients see dramatic reduction in the level of anxiety and depression after 3-4 sessions of Skype Therapy.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional mindfulness therapist using a system of mindfulness therapy that I developed many years ago now, that's extremely effective for treating obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. 

So, mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for OCD basically teaches you how to break free from the habit of reactive thinking, that is falling into the stream of reactive thinking, of rumination or worrying that might get triggered in the minds. 

This is a very important step in cutting off the fuel that that fuels anxiety or depression. So, OCD is simply the result of a process where we become habitually identified with thoughts, and when we become trapped in our thinking. The result is that the thoughts tend to propagate more thoughts and this amplifies the reactive thinking, which in turn amplifies the underlying emotional obsession or anxiety or depression that feeds the OCD. 

So, learning to break this habit of reactive identification is extremely important and is the principal focus of the mindfulness therapy that I teach online via Skype. 

If you'd like to learn more about online mindfulness-based cognitive therapy for OCD, simply go to my websites and then email me. You can ask any questions you might have about mindfulness therapy for OCD and I'd be happy to explain to you how the mindfulness therapy approach can work for you. 

When you feel ready you can schedule a Skype therapy session with me at a time that works for you, and then begin to teach you how to apply mindfulness for overcoming obsessive thinking and for overcoming the anxiety and depression that's associated with obsessive-compulsive thinking.


How to treat OCD without medication - Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts

Online Psychotherapist for treating OCD

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong and I provide online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, for depression and also for working with obsessive-compulsive disorder or OCD. 

So if you're interested in online treatment for OCD without using medications, then do please go to my website and learn more about this online therapy service. 

Mindfulness Therapy is very good for treating all forms of anxiety disorders because it teaches you how to work with your thoughts in a very direct and practical way, and that is essential in working with OCD. 

We have to basically change the way that we relate to our thoughts. Some people teach that we have to overcome irrational thoughts. I do not agree with that. Whether the thoughts are rational or irrational is of no particular importance. What matters is the emotional charge of those thoughts and the nature of your relationship to them. 

So typically when we experience an obsessive thought or an intrusive thought we become immediately identified with that. This is called reactive identification, and then we tend to react even further to intrusive thoughts by creating more thoughts that feed the first intrusive thought, and that is called reactive proliferation of thoughts. 

So this is what typically happens out of habit for most people with OCD. But with mindfulness training and the methods that I will teach you during our online therapy sessions, you will begin to be able to break free from the compulsive aspects of those intrusive thoughts. 

You do not require medication to treat OCD. Medication simply masks the intensity of the emotion, but it doesn't do anything to change the underlying process that is causing those intrusive-obsessive thoughts to arise in the mind, and that's what we address with Mindfulness Therapy. 

So the first step is learning to be with your intrusive thoughts without becoming overwhelmed by them. And then when you establish this relationship with them, then you can begin to change the emotional component of those intrusive obsessive thoughts, and I will explain in great detail how to do this. 

If you want to work with me, if you would like to learn how to overcome OCD without resorting to medications, then please go to my website and send me an email so we can schedule a trial therapy session for you. 

With the mindfulness approach, because it is so practical and so focused on overcoming the underlying cause of your OCD, most people will see significant changes after the first three to four sessions with me. It doesn't take that long to break out of these habitual patterns of reactive thinking and reactive identification with thoughts. 

It just requires some skillful guidance and then practice of the methods that I will teach you. So please contact me if this interests you and let's get started. Thank you.

Online therapy for overcoming intrusive thoughts

Talk to an online therapist to overcome OCD

Mindfulness training provides one of the most effective ways of managing and eliminating intrusive thoughts, including intrusive suicidal thoughts. We learn how to hold those thoughts in the mind without becoming identified with them and without reacting to them with avoidance or aversion. 

When we have learned how to do this we stop feeding those thoughts with fear. When we stop feeding them they quickly lose their emotional intensity, and when they lose their emotional charge they diminish and cease to be intrusive.

During therapy sessions I will teach you exactly how to do this.

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and OCD and also I offer help for intrusive suicidal thoughts. 

If you are struggling with intrusive suicidal thoughts, I invite you to go to my website and learn more about Mindfulness Therapy because that is one of the best approaches, in my opinion, for working with intrusive thoughts, in helping you break free from the grip of intrusive thoughts. 

In mindfulness therapy sessions we actually focus on the fundamental problem with intrusive thoughts, which is that the way that we relate to these thoughts. Typically, the relationship is one of avoidance and aversion, resisting, struggling against those thoughts. 

But any form of avoidance of intrusive thoughts, including suicidal thoughts, and any form of aversion or resistance to those thoughts will simply reinforce them and cause them to repeat. 

So, in mindfulness training we understand this and so we cultivate the exact opposite. That is non-avoidance and non-aversion. We develop conscious awareness of these thoughts and friendliness, which is non-avoidance, towards these thoughts. 

It's really important to learn how to be with these thoughts and meditate on these thoughts and train yourself to become free from identifying with the thoughts and reacting to them with avoidance or aversion. 

It won't just happen by itself you have to train to break free from intrusive thoughts and that is why we make great efforts to meditate mindfully on those thoughts. We actually invite them into the mind but for the purpose of training in developing non-reactivity towards them. 

This might seem difficult, but actually it's not that difficult when you approach these thoughts in the right way. Intrusive thoughts are basically habitual in nature and that habitual tendency is based upon the absence of conscious awareness. 

So when we create more conscious awareness around those same thoughts we actually take away the habitual component of the thoughts and this is really very important for the process of neutralizing those thoughts and breaking free from their influence. 

If you'd like to learn more about how to work with suicidal thoughts using mindfulness therapy, then I invite you to go to my website and then send me an email and we can schedule a therapy session via Skype to help you learn how to apply mindfulness for overcoming intrusive suicidal thoughts. Thank you. 


OCD Therapy Online via Skype

Looking for an Online Therapist for help with OCD?

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder Colorado. And I offer online mindfulness therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and also obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

If you're looking for online therapy for OCD, then I invite you to go to my website and learn more about this therapy service and about mindfulness therapy and then please contact me to schedule an online therapy session to help you manage your OCD. 

OCD therapy online is very effective and most of my clients see quite substantial changes after the first three to four sessions of online Mindfulness Therapy. The key to working with us OCD is to learn how to change your relationship to your thoughts, to your beliefs, to your memories and to your emotions. 

The biggest problem is that we simply become controlled by thoughts, we lose perspective. We become a prisoner of our thoughts and also our beliefs. So mindfulness training is the process of learning to break this imprisonment by thoughts. We do this by learning to meditate on the mind. This is called mindfulness meditation. 

Mindfulness meditation is the process of learning to sit with your thoughts, emotions, memories and beliefs without becoming reactive, without becoming identified, without becoming controlled by the content of your own mind. 

This is absolutely essential because if you cannot establish a degree of freedom in relationship to your intrusive thoughts then you will be a slave to those thoughts and they will not change, because your reactivity will have the effect of reinforcing those thoughts and the emotion behind the thoughts. 

So, that's the first step of mindfulness therapy, is learning to establish a balanced relationship with our intrusive thoughts. We do this by meditating on our intrusive thoughts, but consciously instead of in a blind unconscious manner. 

And the second stage is one of working with those thoughts, and more importantly, working with the emotional energy underneath the thoughts that is making those thoughts intrusive thoughts, making them powerful, giving them the power to cause problems and cause you to be overcome by them. 

Working with the underlying fear is an essential part of breaking free from OCD. So the underlying emotion is the fuel that feeds those intrusive thoughts and the intrusive thoughts and beliefs are what get converted into compulsive behaviors. 

So really the root is to learn how to change our relationship to thoughts and then to resolve the underlying fear that fuels those thoughts. And this is what I will teach you during online OCD therapy. 

So, if you would like to learn more, please go to my website. Please e-mail me with any questions you may have and let's schedule a therapy session over Skype at a time that works for you. Thank you. 

Online Mindfulness Therapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts via Skype

Online Psychotherapist for overcoming Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy which I teach online through Skype. One particular area that I work a great deal with is obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So I offer online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD by Skype. 

So at the heart of OCD, of course, there are a selection of intrusive thoughts that have a very high emotional charge and tend to compel you into unwanted, unnecessary and sometimes disturbing behaviors. 

So the secret of overcoming OCD is to work with these intrusive thoughts and to neutralize them, to remove that emotional charge so that they no longer feed the compulsive behaviors. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy we do this by actually meditating on those thoughts. Now this is quite different than the standard approach to working with intrusive OCD thoughts. Here we are deliberately bringing them into consciousness so that we can change our relationship to those thoughts, so that we no longer become identified with them through the reactive process we call "reactive identification.” 

This is quite important because if you don't break that first step of reactive identification with intrusive thoughts then there's nothing to really to stop those intrusive thoughts from taking over and creating suffering. So we deliberately meditate on those thoughts. But we're doing it now on our terms. Doing it consciously. It's our choice to do this and that makes all the difference. 

So the way it works is you make a list of your intrusive thoughts, the ones that compel you to obsessive-compulsive behaviors and then you train with each thought until you have broken that habit of reactive identification. 

Basically you bring the thought into your mind and you train to sit with that thought without reacting or identifying with it. So you can hold the thought in the mind without becoming reactive and without falling into the reactive thinking that usually proliferates from the first reactive intrusive thought. You can train out of that habits of reactivity and that's the first most important step. 

The second step in Mindfulness Therapy is neutralizing the emotional charge of those intrusive thoughts. And this is quite interesting because from my research over the years and practical experience, it's quite clear to me that the major factor that causes the emotional charge of an intrusive thought is its imagery. The way you see it in the mind is what actually gives it that emotional intensity. 

You look at that imagery, you look at his properties, the different qualities that make that imagery so intense. Typically, of course, intrusive thoughts are going to be very large in size. So the size of that imagery is a major factor that determines its intensity. 

Also its position. If it is in a very dominating position we are likely to feel overwhelmed by the thought, and that's why it feels overwhelming because we see it literally above us. We see it in a high position in our mental internal visual field. That position gives it power. 

So very typical ways of working with the emotional aspect of intrusive thoughts would involve making them smaller and moving them to a lower level, putting them on the ground, for example. It's quite interesting how you can really change the intensity of a thought or belief or a memory by changing its size and its position. 

So that's one way that we approach neutralizing the intrusive thoughts. There are many other aspects of the imagery we can work with such as color, texture and so on. The more that you see of its imagery the more that you can change, and the more you change the imagery of the thought the less power it has. 

So that's a very classic way that we use to work with intrusive thoughts, to neutralize their charge so that they no longer feel overwhelming and are no longer able to compel us into unwanted behaviors. 

So if you like to learn more about online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD using these and other techniques that I teach, then please reach out to me and send me an email. Tell me more about your particular circumstances and what you are struggling with and let schedule a trial therapy session.

So if you like to learn more about this very exciting and interesting way of working with intrusive thoughts, then do please contact me. Thank you.


How to cure OCD intrusive thoughts through Mindfulness Therapy through Skype

OCD Skype Therapy

Welcome! If you'd like to learn how to cure OCD intrusive thoughts then you might want to consider a few sessions of online Mindfulness Therapy with me. 

Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with intrusive thoughts and obsessive thoughts in general. It helps you learn how to change the relationship that you have to thoughts in general, so that you don't become overwhelmed by them, that you don't become identified with thoughts. 

That is the first key training in Mindfulness Therapy, is how to be with your thoughts without becoming reactive, without becoming identified with them, without allowing them to dominates the mind. It is possible to sit with your thoughts and see them as objects in the mind the same way that you could sit with a dangerous animal and watch it, without becoming overwhelmed with fear. 

Let us imagine a trip to the zoo. We see animals in the zoo that could be very dangerous if we didn't have a good relationship with them. In that case we are separated by the cage that the animals are in. It is possible to put your thoughts into a cage too if necessary. 

But the thing is, when you work with your thoughts using mindfulness you can basically create the right internal situation whereby you can be with that thought without becoming overwhelmed. 

So the primary way we do this is by actually meditating on our thoughts. We deliberately choose to meditate on our intrusive thoughts but we do it under controlled circumstances. We make the choice to invite this thought into the mind for the purpose of training with it, so that's quite different. 

The main problem with OCD intrusive thoughts is that they there's no consciousness involved. They just arise spontaneously in a habitual conditioned manner and then create emotional suffering. But we can change that by choosing to invite a scary thought into the mind, but on our terms, and that makes all the difference. 

So building a real relationship with the thoughts in which we learn how to become less and less reactive is a primary function that we develop during mindfulness therapy sessions. Another thing that is quite interesting and that I will teach you and show you how to do during these therapy sessions, is how to work with the imagery of the thoughts. 

So any thought that has an emotional charge to it will have associated emotional imagery. The most simple example of that is that the emotional charge of the thought appears very large and very close and usually above us. 

That's why we say "I feel overwhelmed" by the thought, because literally we seem the thought above us. And it has to be big in order to be overwhelming. And it has to be very close to be overwhelming. So the imagery of the thought is really quite important. Actually, I would say it's vitally important. 

When we meditate on our thoughts consciously we get to see this imagery and when we see the imagery then we can change that imagery because all emotional imagery is a product of habit, of conditioning, and habits can be changed when we develop a conscious relationship with the habit. 

So we look at the imagery of our emotions, our emotionally charged thoughts, and we help change that imagery and diminish the emotional charge of the thoughts. 

So this is working with the emotions underneath the thoughts in a very productive and positive way that leads to the resolution and basically the healing of the thoughts so it no longer has that emotional charge that makes it intrusive. 

So this is a very effective way of working with obsessive thoughts, with intrusive thoughts, and for basically neutralizing them so that they don't catalyze compulsive behaviors which is the second stage of OCD. 

After the intrusive thoughts comes compulsive behaviors. But those behaviors are powered by the emotional charge of the intrusive thoughts. 

So if you would like to learn more about how to cure OCD, how to basically neutralize those intrusive thoughts and break out of the very scary place that OCD intrusive thoughts create, do please send me an email and let's schedule a trial therapy session via Skype, and I will show you how to work with your thoughts using mindfulness. 

Mindfulness Therapy is by far the most effective method out there, besides CBT, and most people that I work with see quite dramatic changes within the first three to four sessions. So please contact me and let's schedule a session. Thank you.


How to stop OCD thoughts - Online Mindfulness Therapist for OCD

Online Therapist that treats Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist based in Boulder, Colorado and I offer online therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression and addictions and many other common psychological problems that respond well to mindfulness-based therapy. 

Mindfulness Therapy is my preferred choice because I find it to be vastly superior to conventional talk therapy and certainly a great improvement over medications, which really do nothing to change the underlying cause of your emotional suffering. 

So anxiety disorders are the most common condition that I work with and this includes obsessive-compulsive disorder, and I'm often asked how to stop OCD thoughts, how to break free from those intrusive thoughts that cause so much emotional suffering and anxiety for a lot of people. 

So working with intrusive thoughts. First of all we have to ask what is it that makes them intrusive? How does this work? Well, there's four major factors that I have identified that really cause a thought to become intrusive. 

The first is the emotional charge of the thoughts. So with all OCD thoughts it's not the content of the thought thought, it's not the narrative that's really that important. What is important is the emotional charge of that thought. When a thought has a very high emotional charge then it tends to stay in the mind longer and it tends to return more frequently than a thought with a low emotional charge. 

So the emotional charge is what gives the stickiness to intrusive thoughts and leads to obsessive behaviors based on those intrusive thoughts. So working with that emotional charge and learning how to neutralize it is essential, and much more important than trying to change the narrative, or your beliefs, or trying to replace negative thoughts with positive thoughts, or any other cognitive manipulation like that, because it really won't work if that emotional charge is not first neutralized. 

So working with the emotional charge of the thoughts is very important. The second factor that causes those thoughts to be intrusive is really just plain habit. That is, the lack of conscious awareness. We tend to simply identify with these thoughts when they arrive and we get caught up in them and we start trying to fight them or resist them in some way. So this process of pure habit operates when there is very little consciousness. Like any habit it operates unconsciously. 

So developing much more consciousness around our OCD thoughts is very important, and in fact we learn how to meditate on those thoughts rather than trying to make them go away, which is not practical or trying to resist them in some other way or distract ourselves from those thoughts. 

Any kind of effort to try and remove thoughts by distraction just won't work. We have to completely change our relationship to those thoughts. We have to, in fact, create more consciousness, not less. 

The third factor that causes thoughts to become intrusive is really just the problem of what I call reactive identification, and that is where we really become consumed by that thought; we take on the identity of the thought. We take it to be who we are. We take it as the truth of things and we simply blindly fall into that thought. 

The fourth factor that's closely related to reactive identification is general reactivity to those unpleasant emotionally charged thoughts. As I mentioned earlier we tend to try to escape or avoid unpleasant experiences, including thoughts. We try to avoid them or we react with self-hatred, aversion or extreme dislike for those thoughts, which is understandable because they cause so much pain for us. But unfortunately reactivity simply feeds the problem. 

So if you would like to learn more about how to work with intrusive thoughts and OCD thoughts in general, please contact me. 

Send me an email. Tell me more about yourself and how I can help you and then we can schedule a Skype Therapy session to help you overcome your OCD thoughts using the very effective and well tested methods of Mindfulness Therapy that I teach and have developed over the last ten or twelve years now. 

So please contact me if you would like help overcoming your OCD. Thank you. 


Talk to an online therapist over Skype for help with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Online Mindfulness Therapy over Skype for Dealing with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on medications

During our Skype therapy sessions I will teach you how to neutralize intrusive thoughts and emotions using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety, depression addictions and particularly for help with obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So this is very common. It's a very common problem. It's very distressing for many people. And this is something that responds very well to the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy. If you're interested in seeing an online therapist for OCD then please reach out to me. Contact me and schedule a therapy session via Skype for your OCD. 

So the principle of Mindfulness Therapy is learning how to work with these intrusive thoughts and compulsive impulses. Mindfulness is a way of changing the relationship that you have to intrusive thoughts and emotions in general. It overcomes this habit of becoming reactively identified with thoughts and emotions. This is the primary problem with OCD. 

The thoughts get triggered and they appear in the mind. And then we simply become completely overwhelmed by them. We become identified with and become become consumed by the thought. And then it tends to propagate and produce even more thoughts, and that feeds the underlying anxiety that fuels the obsessive thoughts. 

Working with intrusive OCD thoughts using Mindfulness Meditation

Online Psychotherapy for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

So the first step in Mindfulness Therapy is learning and retraining yourself to sit with a thought consciously, but without becoming identified with it and without becoming reactive. The process for doing this is meditation. 

You learn to meditate on those thoughts. People think that meditation is about escaping from the mind and thoughts, and it's not. That is not the kind of meditation that I teach. 

So mindfulness meditation is about learning to establish balance in the mind so that you can be free from emotional suffering no matter what thoughts arise in the mind. That's the primary focus for mindfulness meditation: freedom. 

So that's the first part of the training and I will teach you how to do this and you will learn how to meditate on your intrusive thoughts and how to re-establish this balance so that they do not overwhelm you.

You need to learn to develop a compassionate and friendly relationship with your intrusive thoughts. If you try to avoid your thoughts or suppress them or run away from them or even distract yourself from them this will have the effect of reinforcing those thoughts, and more importantly, reinforcing the fear underneath those thoughts. 

In mindfulness work we develop this inner fearlessness. This is what we call your True Self and the True Self is really nothing more than the observer within you that we train to sit with that thought or series of thoughts or to sit with the fear and not react to it. 

So the emotion of fear, like any other emotion, is based around imagery. You can explore changing the imagery so that the fear resolves itself. This is a very important part of Mindfulness Therapy that we call mindfulness-based imagery reprocessing. 

It Is the same process that we use when we're working with PTSD and recovering from very distressing, traumatic memories. Same process exactly. You look at the imagery itself, how it works and then we explore changing that imagery into a form that no longer triggers emotional trauma. 

Contact me for help with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts

If you'd like to get started with me and schedule some online therapy sessions via Skype, then please contact me and let's set up a session. The mindfulness approach is really effective for working with intrusive and distressing thoughts and OCD. 

So most people who I work with see quite remarkable changes within three or four sessions. Once you start learning how to apply mindfulness yourself to work with your fear and with the thoughts you'll rapidly see progress, and that's the focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

I will teach you how to work with your emotions and thoughts more effectively, to give you the tools to overcome OCD and anxiety. 

So please contact me if you'd like to get started and you would like to overcome your OCD using Mindfulness Therapy. Thank you. 


Online Therapist for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

Skype-based online psychotherapy for OCD

Welcome. So I provide online therapy for the treatment of OCD. If you're looking for an online therapist for OCD and you would like help in overcoming intrusive, obsessive thoughts using the techniques of mindfulness therapy which I teach online via Skype, then do please contact me. 

Reach out to me through the Contact Page. Tell me more about yourself and ask any questions you may have about the online therapy program that I teach for overcoming OCD. 

When you are selecting an online therapist to work with for an anxiety disorder like OCD it is very important that you use Skype so that you can see each other. If you can see each other, then that will improve the quality of communication substantially. It's not necessary to be in the same room as your therapist, but it is very important that you see each other. This will make the therapy sessions much more effective. 

So during our online Skype Therapy sessions together, I'll be teaching you how to work with intrusive thoughts using the techniques of Mindfulness Therapy, and the central methodology that we use for breaking free from the influence of reactive intrusive thinking is to learn how to meditate on your reactive thoughts.

The worst thing you can do is fall into a habit of avoidance, trying to run away from your intrusive thoughts, trying to suppress them. That will simply feed those intrusive thoughts because any reaction based on avoidance is basically fear-based. It's a fear based reaction and that will add to the fear, which is the most common emotion that is fueling your intrusive thoughts. If you want to break free from an intrusive and obsessive thoughts, you need to heal and resolve the emotion that is fueling those thoughts.

Thoughts only become intrusive when they have a strong emotional charge. And that's what we have to neutralize. And that's what I will teach you during Mindfulness Therapy. 

We learn to meditate on our intrusive thoughts. That means that we consciously bring them into awareness and then we train with them. The training is about learning how to stay with the thought without becoming reactive and without becoming overwhelmed by the fear that accompanies the intrusive thought. This takes training and mindfulness meditation, is training with the mind to resolve suffering and promote freedom.

So you meditate on the thought. This is how you can achieve freedom. You can not achieve freedom by avoidance. But you can achieve freedom from the influence of those thoughts if you meditate on them. 

So you train to sit with the thoughts and not react. You then respond to the underlying emotion, which is usually fear, but it could be other emotions like guilt or shame or anger or trauma.

We learn to respond to these emotions with mindfulness, with full conscious presence, accompanied by compassion. Mindfulness is the combination of conscious awareness and compassion. They are both present in mindfulness. Compassion means interacting with that fear in a way that helps it resolve. 

So you're training to resolve the fear that is the fuel for those intrusive thought. When that fear is resolved, then the thoughts will no longer be intrusive. They will essentially just disappear because they are no longer relevant. They will be naturally replaced by other thoughts that are more relevant and probably more positive, because they are not based on fear. 

So what keeps intrusive thoughts in the mind is that underlying emotional charge, the fear itself. Heal the fear and the thoughts will subside. 

So this is part of what I'll teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together. This approach of learning to meditate on your intrusive thoughts or obsessive thoughts is very, very powerful. And most people see very welcome improvements within a very short time, usually within three or four sessions.

I will teach you the methods of how to work with your intrusive thoughts and obsessive thoughts using mindfulness. You will take these methods and practice them at home between sessions. This is what makes all the difference in your recovery from OCD. 

If you'd like to schedule online therapy with me for your obsessive compulsive disorder or intrusive thoughts, then please contact me so we can schedule a Skype Therapy session. Thank you. 

Online Therapy for OCD is available throughout the USA, including:

Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Hawaii, Idaho, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Minnesota, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Nebraska, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oklahoma, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Rhode Island, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia, Wisconsin, Wyoming

This online therapy service is based in Colorado and available worldwide, serving USA, Canada, United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Germany, Spain, Portugal, Italy, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Greece.

Online Mindfulness Therapy is not a medical treatment but an alternative system of psychotherapy that helps you change the underlying psychological cause rather than just treating the symptoms of anxiety & depression.


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Online Therapist for OCD

Online Counseling for OCD

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Online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD Health Anxiety

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Online therapist for OCD