Online Psychotherapy for managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Online Psychotherapy via Skype for managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder through Mindfulness Therapy

See an online therapist over Skype to treat OCD

Online Mindfulness Psychotherapist over Skype for Dealing with Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD) and Intrusive Overthinking without relying on drugs. Mindfulness Therapy provides a very good treatment for managing obsessive-intrusive thoughts and addictive behaviors by teaching you how to work with your OCD thoughts and impulses using mindfulness training and the methods of Mindfulness Therapy.

One of the primary problems that sustains OCD is the habit of becoming identified with your OCD thoughts. We have to break free from this conditioned habitual reactivity.

This is the primary focus of Mindfulness-based Exposure Therapy for recovery from Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder and is what I will be teaching you during our sessions together.

During these sessions I will teach you how to apply mindfulness for promoting recovery from all forms of anxiety disorders, including Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Social Anxiety Disorder, OCD, persistent depression, and addiction recovery and other forms of emotional suffering, by using the very practical methods of Mindfulness Meditation Therapy. 

This approach is extremely effective and most people experience significant reduction in the intensity of your anxiety or depression after 3-4 online sessions with me. 

Online Mindfulness Therapy is highly effective for managing anxiety and depression without relying on drugs. It is better to treat the psychological cause of your anxiety or depression instead of just trying to manage symptoms.

The principle healing factors cultivated during mindfulness-based psychotherapy are Conscious Awareness, which is vital for overcoming the negative habits that cause emotional pain, and Inner Compassion, which is what promotes healing and resolution of emotional suffering.

"I came to Peter desperate, my last hope. I had tried other therapies that failed me: Peter’s approach is just what I needed. Instead of fighting the anxiety and trying to push it away or cover it up, you become conscious of it and give it the space that it needs. Eventually it dissipates. It sounds counter-intuitive, but it is the key… and it works! I am real proof. I am now happier and more content than I have ever been in my life."


Watch this video and contact me if you are looking for online help for OCD.

Online Mindfulness Therapy to overcome OCD intrusive thoughts via Skype

Online Psychotherapist for OCD via Skype - Find Online Help for OCD

If you are looking for an online therapist for help with OCD, then I invite you to contact me and tell me more about your particular struggles with obsessive compulsive disorder. 

I offer online therapy through Skype for the treatment of OCD and also for help in reducing intrusive thoughts, intrusive memories and intrusive imagery, which can be very distressing for many people. 

The approach that I use is called Mindfulness Therapy, which is extremely effective for working with reactive thoughts and memories and for reducing the frequency of obsessive, intrusive thoughts as well as reducing their intensity, until they no longer are a problem.

Normal thoughts go through a simple cycle of arising and passing and do so in a relatively short period of time, but OCD thoughts do not resolve but persist and often lead to the proliferation of even more thoughts. This stage of reactive proliferation feeds the underlying emotion, usually fear-based, that fuels OCD.


The key to breaking the cycle of reactive thinking, obsessive compulsive thinking, is to develop a different relationship to those intrusive thoughts or memories or images. We have to develop a mindfulness-based relationship, which means that it's a relationship based on opening to the experience and staying present with the experience of the thought or the image as an observer, we have to learn to be able to observe the thoughts or image without becoming lost in that intrusive thought. We have to learn to stay present with the obsessive thought, without becoming reactive and converting into some compulsive behavior or action. 

The mindfulness approach is one of the most effective approaches available for working with OCD and intrusive thoughts. I will teach you during our Skype therapy sessions together, very precise methods of working with your thoughts using mindfulness that will allow you to develop this objective consciousness that is so essential for breaking the habit of reactive-obsessive thinking. 

With the mindfulness approach, most people see dramatic improvements within a very short time, often within three or four sessions.

The mindfulness approach is about teaching you new methods to work practically with your intrusive thoughts, to neutralize them and heal the underlying emotional energy that's feeding those thoughts. 

This cannot be done by just talking about your thoughts or emotions. And it cannot be done through willpower. It has to be done by changing your relationship to your thoughts. And when that relationship is right, then the healing process begins. But you must develop an open, mindful relationship with your thoughts and emotions.

Mindfulness is the combination of openness, non reactivity, friendliness and compassion. These are the qualities that promote healing. Just trying to understand why you are feeling the way you are reacting is not sufficient. 

Most people with OCD fall into the habit of avoidance and aversion. They try to block out intrusive thoughts and feelings. This is not effective and will actually reinforce the underlying fear because avoidance and aversion are based on fear, themselves, which will simply feed the underlying emotional suffering that is feeding the intrusive, obsessive thoughts or memories.

So we need to learn to develop a different relationship with our emotions if they are to heal. And that's the central focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

And if you're interested in working with an online therapist to overcome your OCD, then I invite you to contact me. 

Online therapy is an excellent choice and works just as well as in-person therapy, providing you use Skype or Zoom or FaceTime, because you need to see each other for effective communication. 

Online therapy to cure OCD intrusive thoughts without medication

Through Mindfulness Therapy we learn how to neutralize obsessive and intrusive thoughts, images and memories as well as neutralizing the compulsive impulses of compulsive behaviors.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I'm a professional psychotherapist specializing in Mindfulness Therapy for the treatment of anxiety and depression and OCD and other emotional problems using mindfulness therapy and mindfulness-based techniques rather than medications or the conventional talking therapy that you may be familiar with. 

Mindfulness Therapy really tries to address the underlying process that causes your anxiety or depression or problem with intrusive thoughts and obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So Skype Therapy for OCD is one of the services that I offer. All my online therapy is done via Skype. It's very important that you use Skype or FaceTime or similar video platform because it's important that you can see each other during these sessions. This makes the therapy sessions much more effective.

During the online Skype therapy sessions that I offer I'll be teaching you how to work with the two primary elements of OCD.

So excessively worrying about that and obsessing over hygiene is one kind of reactive thinking that greatly accentuates the underlying anxiety. The thinking fuels anxiety feeds anxiety and it intensifies the anxiety. So that's one kind of thinking process. 

The other kind of problems that people run into with thinking is intrusive thoughts. Intrusive thoughts, intrusive images, intrusive memories. So this is sometimes called "Pure O" sort of a pure form of obsession that is caused by intrusive thoughts that really upsets the minds and cause considerable anxiety. 

So that's one side of the work. We work with these obsessive or intrusive thoughts. On the other side of OCD is working with the compulsive behaviors. 

So the thoughts convert into behaviors like hand washing or trying to clean every surface in the house multiple times over, or whatever it might be. The compulsive behavior is a response to the obsessive thinking. 

We would typically imagine the obsessive-compulsive thought or activity, we would play it through in the mind and we would watch to see what kind of emotion is triggered. Typically, fear or anxiety, but it could be other emotions as I say. When we see that emotion we then start to build a relationship with the emotion itself based on consciousness, that's where the mindfulness comes in. 

The second part of our work in mindfulness therapy is to see how those emotions work, to look at their structure. And it's become very clear to me through working with people over many years now, that the primary structure of the emotions, it is not thoughts, it is imagery. 

So the thoughts are products of the emotion, but what causes the emotion is imagery, psychological imagery. The way that you see that fear or anxiety in the mind is what determines its intensity and that in turn leads to the propagation of thoughts and compulsive activities. 

So we examine this imagery in great detail during mindfulness work on our OCD. We literally meditate on those thoughts and the emotions underneath the thoughts to see how they work, to look at their imagery, to see what it is about the imagery that causes them to be intense, that creates that intense emotional charge. 

So if you would like to learn more about how to work with either obsessive thinking or intrusive thoughts, memories and images, and also to work with compulsive behaviors, then please contact me. Let's schedule an online psychotherapy session via Skype. 

Skype Therapy for OCD is a very effective way of learning how to manage OCD. Most people see quite dramatic changes after the first three or four sessions. Once you learn how to apply mindfulness to work with your OCD you'll see very encouraging results.

So if you are interested in Skype Therapy for OCD then please reach out to me. Contact me. Tell me more about your particular situation. Tell me what times and days work for you and then we can go ahead and schedule the first Skype Therapy session to help you overcome your obsessive-compulsive disorder.


Online OCD Therapy

OCD Therapist via Skype

Welcome! If you would like to learn how to cure OCD intrusive thoughts then you might want to consider a few sessions of online Mindfulness Therapy with me. 

Mindfulness Therapy is a very effective way of working with intrusive thoughts and obsessive thoughts in general. It helps you learn how to change the relationship that you have to thoughts in general, so that you don't become overwhelmed by them, that you don't become identified with thoughts. 

That is the first key training in Mindfulness Therapy, is how to be with your thoughts without becoming reactive, without becoming identified with them, without allowing them to dominates the mind. It is possible to sit with your thoughts and see them as objects in the mind the same way that you could sit with a dangerous animal and watch it, without becoming overwhelmed with fear. 

Let us imagine a trip to the zoo. We see animals in the zoo that could be very dangerous if we didn't have a good relationship with them. In that case we are separated by the cage that the animals are in. It is possible to put your thoughts into a cage too if necessary. 

But the thing is, when you work with your thoughts using mindfulness you can basically create the right internal situation whereby you can be with that thought without becoming overwhelmed. 

So the primary way we do this is by actually meditating on our thoughts. We deliberately choose to meditate on our intrusive thoughts but we do it under controlled circumstances. We make the choice to invite this thought into the mind for the purpose of training with it, so that's quite different. 

The main problem with OCD intrusive thoughts is that they there's no consciousness involved. They just arise spontaneously in a habitual conditioned manner and then create emotional suffering. But we can change that by choosing to invite a scary thought into the mind, but on our terms, and that makes all the difference. 

So building a real relationship with the thoughts in which we learn how to become less and less reactive is a primary function that we develop during mindfulness therapy sessions. Another thing that is quite interesting and that I will teach you and show you how to do during these therapy sessions, is how to work with the imagery of the thoughts. 

So any thought that has an emotional charge to it will have associated emotional imagery. The most simple example of that is that the emotional charge of the thought appears very large and very close and usually above us. 

That's why we say "I feel overwhelmed" by the thought, because literally we seem the thought above us. And it has to be big in order to be overwhelming. And it has to be very close to be overwhelming. So the imagery of the thought is really quite important. Actually, I would say it's vitally important. 

When we meditate on our thoughts consciously we get to see this imagery and when we see the imagery then we can change that imagery because all emotional imagery is a product of habit, of conditioning, and habits can be changed when we develop a conscious relationship with the habit. 

So we look at the imagery of our emotions, our emotionally charged thoughts, and we help change that imagery and diminish the emotional charge of the thoughts. 

So this is working with the emotions underneath the thoughts in a very productive and positive way that leads to the resolution and basically the healing of the thoughts so it no longer has that emotional charge that makes it intrusive. 

So this is a very effective way of working with obsessive thoughts, with intrusive thoughts, and for basically neutralizing them so that they don't catalyze compulsive behaviors which is the second stage of OCD. 

After the intrusive thoughts comes compulsive behaviors. But those behaviors are powered by the emotional charge of the intrusive thoughts. 

So if you would like to learn more about how to cure OCD, how to basically neutralize those intrusive thoughts and break out of the very scary place that OCD intrusive thoughts create, do please send me an email and let's schedule a trial therapy session via Skype, and I will show you how to work with your thoughts using mindfulness. 

Mindfulness Therapy is by far the most effective method out there, besides CBT, and most people that I work with see quite dramatic changes within the first three to four sessions. So please contact me and let's schedule a session. Thank you.


Suffering from OCD? Try Online Psychotherapy

Best online treatment for OCD without medication

Online Mindfulness Therapy provides a very effective s well as convenient treatment for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder and intrusive thoughts and is available through Skype.

Welcome! My name is Peter Strong. I specialize in Mindfulness Therapy which I teach online through Skype. One particular area that I work a great deal with is obsessive-compulsive disorder. 

So I offer online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD by Skype. 

So at the heart of OCD, of course, there are a selection of intrusive thoughts that have a very high emotional charge and tend to compel you into unwanted, unnecessary and sometimes disturbing behaviors. 

So the secret of overcoming OCD is to work with these intrusive thoughts and to neutralize them, to remove that emotional charge so that they no longer feed the compulsive behaviors. 

So in Mindfulness Therapy we do this by actually meditating on those thoughts. Now this is quite different than the standard approach to working with intrusive OCD thoughts. Here we are deliberately bringing them into consciousness so that we can change our relationship to those thoughts, so that we no longer become identified with them through the reactive process we call "reactive identification.” 

This is quite important because if you don't break that first step of reactive identification with intrusive thoughts then there's nothing to really to stop those intrusive thoughts from taking over and creating suffering. So we deliberately meditate on those thoughts. But we're doing it now on our terms. Doing it consciously. It's our choice to do this and that makes all the difference. 

So the way it works is you make a list of your intrusive thoughts, the ones that compel you to obsessive-compulsive behaviors and then you train with each thought until you have broken that habit of reactive identification. 

Basically you bring the thought into your mind and you train to sit with that thought without reacting or identifying with it. So you can hold the thought in the mind without becoming reactive and without falling into the reactive thinking that usually proliferates from the first reactive intrusive thought. You can train out of that habits of reactivity and that's the first most important step. 

The second step in Mindfulness Therapy is neutralizing the emotional charge of those intrusive thoughts. And this is quite interesting because from my research over the years and practical experience, it's quite clear to me that the major factor that causes the emotional charge of an intrusive thought is its imagery. The way you see it in the mind is what actually gives it that emotional intensity. 

You look at that imagery, you look at his properties, the different qualities that make that imagery so intense. Typically, of course, intrusive thoughts are going to be very large in size. So the size of that imagery is a major factor that determines its intensity. 

Also its position. If it is in a very dominating position we are likely to feel overwhelmed by the thought, and that's why it feels overwhelming because we see it literally above us. We see it in a high position in our mental internal visual field. That position gives it power. 

So very typical ways of working with the emotional aspect of intrusive thoughts would involve making them smaller and moving them to a lower level, putting them on the ground, for example. It's quite interesting how you can really change the intensity of a thought or belief or a memory by changing its size and its position. 

So that's one way that we approach neutralizing the intrusive thoughts. There are many other aspects of the imagery we can work with such as color, texture and so on. The more that you see of its imagery the more that you can change, and the more you change the imagery of the thought the less power it has. 

So that's a very classic way that we use to work with intrusive thoughts, to neutralize their charge so that they no longer feel overwhelming and are no longer able to compel us into unwanted behaviors. 

So if you like to learn more about online Mindfulness Therapy for OCD using these and other techniques that I teach, then please reach out to me and send me an email. Tell me more about your particular circumstances and what you are struggling with and let schedule a trial therapy session.

So if you would like to learn more about this very exciting and interesting way of working with intrusive thoughts, then do please contact me. Thank you.

Online Therapy For Anxiety & Depression

Welcome. My name is Peter Strong and I am a mindfulness therapist based in Boulder Colorado, and I offer online Mindfulness Therapy via Skype for the treatment of anxiety and depression, for OCD, for addictions and also for PTSD, which is something I'm particularly interested in. 

So people ask me all the time does online therapy work? Is online therapy an effective way of getting professional help to manage anxiety and depression? And my answer is that yes, online therapy is very effective. Online therapy does work. 

But you have to look at a couple of factors. The first is that online therapy works best if it also includes some form of video interface like Skype. 

Being able to see each other is very important for effective communication and for effective psychotherapy. You have to be able to see each other as well as speak to each other in real time. So if you can use Skype to talk to your therapist then that therapy is going to be, practically, just as effective as meeting in person with a therapist. 

Some forms of psychotherapy may be focused around developing a very close relationship or perhaps some form of Hands-On intervention like Body-centered therapies may not be effective when delivered online. But for most of the forms of talking therapy, certainly, therapy via Skype is just as effective as meeting in person. 

You have to also remember that you can't get a prescription medications through online therapy sessions, but that's fine. From my point of view I don't advocates medications for the treatment of anxiety or depression because they don't really address the underlying cause of your emotional suffering. 

So in the online therapy sessions that I offer, we look very closely at the underlying psychological process that is causing your anxiety or depression. You look at the process that has become habitual, that has becomes stuck and that continues to generate your emotional suffering. 

Mindfulness Therapy is extremely effective for doing this because it's essentially a way of learning how to investigate your own mind, how to investigate your thoughts and emotions, without becoming lost in them. And so the first stage in Mindfulness Therapy is this, of learning how to overcome the habit of Reactive Identification. This is the common process where we become lost in our thoughts, where we become overwhelmed by our emotional reactions and we basically lose perspective and lose the element of choice in how the emotional reactivity affects us. 

So being able to overcome reactive identification is a very important stage in any kind of psychotherapy, and it is the central focus of Mindfulness Therapy. 

I will teach you how to overcome reactive identification so that you can effectively be conscious of your emotions or thoughts or memories or trauma, or in the case of PTSD, without becoming identified. So you can sit as the Observer and look at your own emotions and thoughts. 

When you can do this, when you can develop this level of conscious observation, then you can begin to exercise choice and begin to help change those patterns of emotional reactivity. 

So anxiety and depression and addiction and OCD and also traumatic emotional reactivity are, at the end of the day, psychological habits, and these habits can be changed by bringing consciousness to bear on them. 

So if you are interested in learning more about how to work with your emotions and reactive thought patterns using mindfulness therapy, then please email me and let's schedule a therapy session using Skype so you can see for yourself just how effective online therapy can be and for helping you overcome anxiety and depression or any other form of emotional suffering. 

So please email me and let's get started. I see clients throughout North America and Western Europe and the UK and as far away as Australia. All you need is an internet connection and Skype and PayPal to make secure online payments for each session. So please contact me and let's get started. Thank you.


Online Psychotherapy for managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

Online Psychotherapy for managing Obsessive Compulsive Disorder