Solo & Ensemble


From Tom McVicker,

Hi folks,


Hope all is well with each of you and you are making good progress with your students/groups as we approach a busy time of the year.  I’m back hosting the event again and happy to do it!  Thanks to all those that helped out the past few years!   OK… we go!


PLEASE READ ENTIRE E-MAIL (and save in a file for future reference if needed)


This is the first of many e-mails I will be sending you regarding this year’s OMEA/WMEA (Olympic Region Music Educators Association of Washington Music Educators Association) 9th-12th grade Vocal Solo & Ensemble Contest. There are few state rule changes this year (2014) to our event but most of this should run like it has the past few years.  One of the big changes in the vocal area is in the Mezzo Soprano category.  This year (state wide) there will only be ONE Mezzo soprano winner, 1st alternate, and 2nd alternate (not doubled as in years past).  There are few other rule changes (see attachment).  Please be sure to read ALL the rules so that you are familiar with what is expected of you and your students.  It will save you,  your students/parents, and ME both stress and disappointment down the road if you are prepared and knowledgeable upfront about the rules and qualifying for state.  Please let me know right now if there is something you don’t understand. 


Here is the basic information that you need to know right now:

Now, for the “other” stuff. As in the past few years, WMEA has been running a pilot program for all of the schools/regions that were in the old WCDIII (West Central District 3).  WMEA will be overseeing many aspects of our event along with paying for the majority of our operational costs.  I will still set-up and run the “day of” event here at Olympic HS.  What does this mean for you on your end of things…here are a few items to remember:  

We are all busy this time of the year, I know that, but please begin now to gather your S&E student information so that you can have it ready to register at the latest before you leave for Holiday Break in December (preferably earlier).  ALSO, please remember that once you have locked in the students  that will be doing solos and ensembles, that you start to generate your PO/Check (if you are using a school generated source to pay for this). 


Please let me know if you have any questions and I will be happy to do what I can.  If I can’t answer it, I will check with Allison or have you contact her directly but start with me first.  Also, if you can, could you look at the list of participating schools below (and or the names in the “TO” box of this e-mail) to make sure I have not forgotten anyone in your district that teaches 9th-12th grade vocal students.  I know we have had some changes in various district since last year.  I do not have a master list from each district to draw from so I need your eyes on this one to help me out.


Participating Schools/Teachers

Thanks for taking the time to make it through this long (but hopefully helpful) e-mail!  I will be sending you the second e-mail very soon so stay tuned.  As always, let me know if you have any questions and thanks for providing your students with this wonderful opportunity!


Here is a link to the main page of the WMEA website:

Tom McVicker

Choir Director

Olympic High School