>>> Event Hosts <<<

First, THANK YOU for hosting an OMEA / Kitsap regional event this year. Without you, hundreds of students would go without an essential part of their experience in music this year.

Rules of the Road for OMEA Event Hosts...

Before Your Event


  1. Communicate early and often to avoid any last minute fiascoes.

  2. Send any event information to me, so I can update your event page [cthomas@bisd303.org].

  3. MAKE A BUDGET!! [sample budget here]

    1. We're shooting for +$300 from every event this year to recoop losses from 2021/22.

  4. Secure quality adjudicators early. (OMEA adjudicators should be more qualified (and accomplished) than OMEA music educators.)

  5. Track your budget:

    1. Communicate with schools that are slow to pay,

    2. Communicate with the OMEA Treasurer so you can pay your event bills in a timely fashion

  6. Have your judges fill out W9 forms. Turn these into the OMEA Treasurer.


  1. Host Pay. We pay hosts $350 per event. Events may have two hosts, if it's a large event.

  2. Judge Pay. We pay judges $300 for 7 hours of work, and $30/hr thereafter. Hosts can hire a judge for a half day at $180. The event host has discretion to round hours as needed.

  3. Judge Travel. Events may pay for one hotel room for an out of region judge, if need be. Mileage, ferry, and bridge costs will be added to the payment amounts, and should be calculated and agreed upon before the event. The 2022 Federal mileage rate is 58.5 cents per mile.


Generate a document like this BEFORE your event. Reconcile your final numbers, and send a PDF of your final report to our treasurer

[Andrea Siedlecki, siedlecki@skschools.org]

After Your Event

  1. Turn in your reconciled budget report to the OMEA Executive Board within 15 days of your event. [cthomas@bisd303.org, siedlecki@skschools.org, tguenther@nkschools.org, swalder@nkschools.org]

  2. Turn in any receipts for reimbursement.

Event Forms (Outdated; 2015)

Events Handbook 14/15 [active].doc

Reminders to OMEA Treasurers

  1. Keep an official OMEA budget, and archive a year end report.

  2. Keep a file of returned event budgets from our event hosts. Follow up on missing reports at year end.

  3. If OMEA pays anyone more than $600 in a fiscal year, submit a 1099 form to both that contractor and the IRS.

  4. File an Annual Report to the WA Secretary State by New Year's each year ($10).

  5. File a 990-N after June 30th each year. A Federal form for Tax-Exempt Organizations.