Since 2003, OASiS has churned out 10 Social Innovations that have been acclaimed nationally and internationally.

All our Innovations are listed below: (Please click on the Dropdown arrow beside each to read a brief, and then on the Know more .... links with each, to know them in detail)

Tried and Tested, and Awarded Innovations:

1. SIL: Social Innovation Lab: in Universities/Institutes and Rural Areas

A Social Innovations Lab that brings community, university, corporate and government on a single platform, to brainstorm and experiment solutions for long pending social problems. SILs are being implemented both at Grassroots and University levels.

2. CESS - Social Security System: a sustainable Social Security System that ensures economic protection against loss of life, health and livelihood, for FREE.

3. The Museum School:  Giving children quality education, using Museums as schools and exhibits as Teaching Aids.

4. NIRAMAYA: Insurance for the Disabled: the First Health Insurance in India for the physically and mentally Challenged.

5. SWANS: a youth based Volunteer Association that helped the youth learn vital soft skills like Team work, Team building and Leadership through Social Work.

6. SCALE: Social Credit System: a scientific tool for assessing Social Contribution and performance, awarding credits for benefits, to all players.

7. GRAMODAYA- Rural Education: teaching Rural Development to Rural children and youth, for local employability.

8. LIFE SCHOOL: teaching 21st century essential Life Skills, through experience based learning.

Learning 21st century life skills in an experiential manner from everyday learning spaces. 

9. Virtual Museum School: Equal and highest quality education for all children in the world, through Virtual 3D Museums.

10. GLIDE- Group Livelihoods for Development: ensuring sustainable livelihoods for all youth locally, with no outside dependency. 

being piloted:


1. The Optimist Citizen - the first GOOD NEWS Newspaper of India (Forbes 30 under 30 Asia).


If you wish to do something innovative and long standing as part of your CSR with a chosen community, but do not have a clear plan, let us know. We will help you design and implement a long time sustainable solution for it.

Offer to NGOs, Trusts, Foundations and CBOs:

If you have any long standing Issue / Problem / Need OR any New age Problem / Issue / Need in the community you work with, Share it with us. We will help you develop an Innovative, Simple, Practical and Replicable Solution for it.