Opinion: Award Shows Are a Waste of Time. 

By Kiki Martignoni 

Americans watch many award shows: the Academy Awards, Golden Globes, Grammys, Emmys, and many more. But do they really matter? 

Award shows began in 1929, with the Academy Awards, or Oscars. The 2023 Oscars is set to be held on Sunday, March 12, 2023. 

` Many people find award shows relaxing, but are they really worth 3-4 hours of our time? Most of the time, we’re just watching celebrities socialize and wait for people to walk up onto a stage to accept, in reality, a useless award. According to Movie Web, award shows are slowly decreasing in popularity.  These award shows provide celebrities an ego boost, but what do they mean to us? How do we know the critics accurately represent the population's opinions? 

Award shows seem harmless until the toxic comments come out. They can be about anything: hair, clothes, outcomes, seating, or set design. Anything that people can comment about, they will. Everyone's a critic at heart, even if they don't try to be. No one will ever be happy with the whole outcome. 

Additionally, it takes time and energy to grab a drink, get your cuddly pet, and even go out of your way to gather friends just to watch an award show. Stupid, isn't it, how much time we spend on meaningless entertainment? We are getting swallowed by a corrupt system that makes us feel bad about ourselves by prioritizing competition and exceptionalism. We spend hours “supporting” things we don't know we are supporting. So next time you watch an award show, think about what you are getting into.