When We Heard the News...

By Ella Stevens 

   November 6th, 2020 was a historic day. We will always remember where we were, what we were doing, and how we felt. 

   When I heard the news, I was actually in a Zoom class. While someone was presenting, another student unmuted and told us Joe Biden had just gained enough electoral votes to be president. Everyone on the call had an emotional reaction and began celebrating, crying, and completely forgetting that we were in class. Luckily, we were recording the zoom call, so we will have our live reactions to keep forever! Some Nyack High School students shared their election day stories as well…

“I was at home and taking a break from the news… I found out Biden won by hearing the cheering from town.” -Lula Talenfeld, senior

“...[I] Just got done with my SAT and turned on my phone to the news. I cried in the car of happiness.” -Marina Newman, senior

“I was in Nyack getting my hair cut and suddenly crowds of people came into the streets cheering. It was heartwarming to see people so genuinely happy after a tumultuous year.” -Nina Petrou, sophomore

“My family and I were pretty much glued to our couch watching the news all week. We figured it would be best to take a break and sit outside on Saturday. My mom’s friend sent us messages about Biden’s win and we rushed inside to watch the (good) news.” -Madison Milla, sophomore

“I was sitting in my backyard staring at the election map, and when I saw Biden jump past 270, I heard cars honking and people cheering. My sister and I walked into town to celebrate with the happy people, and I felt fulfilled watching the pure joy erupt: hugging and laughing and dancing and crying, pride flags waving and music blasting.” -Talia Reiss, sophomore