
Resilience is looking for people to support our activities. With your assistance, we are able to provide support programs to “stars (survivors)” for a low cost.

How to support us:

1. Payment via credit card/convenience stores

2. Transfer through post office/bank accounts

At Resilience, we offer multiple programs that offer direct support to “stars” and their children who have experienced trauma to assist them in healing.

1. Women’s Care Program: series of talks related to understanding violence and the process of healing through self-reflection.

2. Peer Support Program: a space for stars to share their traumatic experiences and harships in a safe environment

Donations would be used to manage support programs for stars.

For example:

l Provide free brochures on domestic violence to stars

l Allocate funding to support the Women’s Care Programs and Peer Support Programs

l Purchasing books on domestic violence, sexual abuse and trauma care for the library to lend to program participants

l Documents and art supplies

Annual report:

Every year, we compile a report on how much money was raised and how it was used. It is published on our website the following March.

How to support us:

1. Credit card/convenience stores

Please visit the website below and choose the amount you would like to donate.

2. Post office

Account number: 00160-3-629688

Account name: トクヒ)レジリエンス

Please put your name and address on the post office transfer form.

3. Bank

Please send your name and email address or fax number to .

The stars who come to Resilience have been through many difficult life experiences. Some participate in our programs, desperate to change their current violent situation. Others come trying to rebuild their lives after separating from the perpetrators (who we call B). And there are those who attend our programs while receiving treatment for the trauma caused by violence.

Unfortunately, the situation does not immediately improve even if you were able to physically remove yourself from a violent environment because of the tremendous amount of physical and psychological trauma stars suffer from. It is extremely difficult for stars to make a living like any other person.

Support for self-independence and job opportunities is important, but first and foremost, these women need to take care of their wounded hearts. Without doing so, they could become so physically and emotionally exhausted that they may not be able to continue the job they worked so hard to get.

We at Resilience would like to make our programs available to as many stars and children as possible and create a warm and inclusive society for all. And with your support, we believe we can.


Other ways to support Resilience:

We are currently looking for companies, universities, community centers, shops and other organizations nationwide to distribute our pamphlets and flyers.

For more information, please contact us at