林慕萱 Mu-Xuan Lin

    林慕萱 — 「一個真誠後現代主體的憂鬱與情欲:電影式空間與脆弱的時間

Mu-Xuan Lin The Melancholy and the Erotic of a Sincere Postmodern Identity : the cinematic spaces and a         vulnerable time 



Links to audio of  related works:

je tu il-là elles (2017) (16:52) 點這裡聆聽 listen here

through the glass of Chrysocolla (2021-22) - (16:42) 點這裡聆聽 listen here  


Mu-Xuan Lin- "I will not mention this piece in my presentation but if anyone is interested since it's highly relevant": 

...à... (2019) - (appr. 35-min) watch here

also read this