





     南華大學民族音樂學系將如期於111521日舉行國際研討會。首先,恭喜所有入選的投稿者,很榮幸能與您一起參與這次的當代作曲家的新創作交流會!研討會進行的方式將採取線上論文發表,音樂會的部分將分別錄製入選之作品,最晚七月將影音連結發布於網頁,供大家聆聽。如有任何問題,再請您寫信告知我們,謝謝您!電子信箱: music.conference.nhu@gmail.com



Isabel Benito Gutierrez— Visual elements in music: Actions and directions in graphic and verbal scores 


Yuko Ohara Introduction to and analysis of Birefringence for solo violin

    大原裕子《雙折射》為小提琴獨奏而作 介紹與分析


Chen-Hui Jen"Internal Traces in my Compositional Practice"a discussion on into silence, and keep falling for cello and piano 

     任真慧 — 創作之內在線索 ─ 自為大提琴與鋼琴而作之《恆墜之寂》談起

Chihchun Chi-sun Lee & I-Hsuan Olivia Tsai The placement of contemporary music composers in the world of diverse ideologies 

     李志純、蔡宜璇 當代作曲家在多元意識形態世界中的挑戰與定位。

Li, Yu-Hsien The “Aksak Rhythm” in Unsuk Chin’s Piano Etudes: An Example from Piano Etude, No.3 Scherzo ad libitum 

    李御賢 陳銀淑音樂作品中隱藏的 “Aksak Rhythm”:以《鋼琴練習曲》第三首〈隨意 的詼諧曲〉為例


Geli Li Introduction to and analysis of Seven Mountains for solo piano 

    李歌立 — Seven Mountains為鋼琴獨奏而作 介紹與分析


Guo Xiang-Wei — Transmission and Adaptation: On the Development of Chinese Music Repertoire of Taiwan in the 1950s and 1960s

     郭相煒 承接傳統,融入在地 論臺灣地區國樂曲目在20世紀50、60年代的發展


                                                                                                                                                                                Po-Chien Liu Exploration and combination of extended timbre— considering the examples of recent chamber works and joined for piano trio 

     劉博健 延伸音色的探索與結合 以近年室內樂作品與鋼琴三重奏joined為例。



Yuko Ohara Birefringence for solo violin


Chen-Hui Jen into silence, and keep falling for 'cello and piano

    任真慧 — 《恆墜之寂》為大提琴與鋼琴而作


Chihchun Chi-sun Lee — Piano Trio, "Realization, Views, Heart Frustration, Nostalgia"

    李志純 鋼琴三重奏-意、象、心、念

Geli Li Seven Mountains for solo piano 

    李歌立 — Seven Mountains為鋼琴獨奏而作

Xiao Hu  Lyrical for solo 'cello 

    胡曉  — 《抒情詩》為大提琴獨奏而作

Po-Chien Liu joined for piano trio 

     劉博健 鋼琴三重奏-joined