The Tutorial

The Multiverse Tutorial

There are a few issues that can arise during the Multiverse Tutorial. We've tried to capture both the issues and their solutions below.

Pushing the buttons

Simply reach out physically with your hand and push the button. This is 6DOF VR, so your hands can actually reach out and interact with objects. The button in front of you here is one of these "touchable" things.

Stuck in the "white zone"

This is normally an issue with your internet connection. Following are the solutions to this issue:

  1. Check that you are connected to the internet. Multiverse requires an internet connection to work, so please ensure you are connected to your Wi-Fi, and that your internet connection is working. We recommend checking your Wi-Fi settings and visiting a speed test site on your Oculus Browser.

  2. Check that you are not behind a firewall. Some firewalls block certain features and/or connections. For Multiverse to work, we connect you to various servers around the globe. Please check with your network manager / IT department to work out whether there are any restrictions that might need to be lifted.