Customise your Metaverse

Creating Custom Artwork for your Metaverse

Your Metaverse will require some custom artwork. Below is a helpful list of the best file formats and images / video sizes that are best suited for our standard environments. With this you'll be able to create amazing Metaverses all on your own.

Standard Art Asset formats for your Metaverse

To customise your Metaverse we recommend you prepare images, logos and videos using the following file formats, dimensions and sizes:

  • 1:1 Square Icon [e.g. 512 x 512]

  • 4:1 Metaverse Banner Image [e.g. 2400 x 600]

  • 16:9 TV Images [e.g. 1920 x 1080]

  • 16:9 Logo [e.g. 1920 x 1080] - supports .PNG transparency

  • 5:1 Logo [e.g. 2500 x 500] - supports .PNG transparency

  • 1:1 Square Images [e.g. 1024 x 1024]

  • 1:1 Door Images [e.g. 1024 x 1024]

  • 16:9 Videos [we DO NOT recommend showing more than two per location]

  • Some of the art galleries also support other formats (e.g. 6:4); check the information by each slot for details


  • Banner above storefront = 1800 × 450

  • Storefront Door = 1024 ×1024

  • Poster (Storefront Windows) = 1920 × 1080

  • Info Board (tall image inside storefront) = 1080x1920

Images: We recommend using .JPG & .PNG file formats. .PNG is best suited for logos that require transparency, and where transparency is supported, we have called it out above.

Videos: We support up to two videos per room / location. Currently only Vimeo Pro videos are supported. To access these, use the "Browse Content" feature and ensure that your Vimeo Pro account has been linked to your profile on the "Drives" page.

Other: We go into more detail on Door Links, App Links, & common Multiverse Destinations as well as specifics on image files and their safe zones at the bottom of this page.

TIP: If you have linked your Google Drive and Vimeo Pro accounts to your Multiverse account, you will be able to access images from Google Drive and videos from Vimeo directly in the website for customising your Metaverse.

Your Web Metaverse Template

When you've first created your Metaverse at you'll find yourself with a template that needs to be filled out. The website will look like this:

Your Metaverse is already live!

While your Metaverse may seem empty on the website, it already exists in a nice and pretty form inside Multiverse. You can use it now - you don't have to customise it first! The template imagery will make it look something like this:

Over the next steps, you will customise your Metaverse by uploading content directly via the website.

"Sorta like Wix for Metaverses"

Your Metaverse Icon

The first thing you'll want to do is update your Metaverse icon. This icon is represented by the little circle in your metaverse Home Page.

Clicking on the camera icon will allow you to upload an image to replace the default text that is there.

Icon: A Square Image

We recommend using a square .JPG or .PNG image that is at least 512 x 512 pixels in size. Other recommended sizes include: 1024 x 1024 / 2048 x 2048

NOTE: The image will be cropped to a circle, so be aware of content that might be cropped in the corners. These are represented by the red areas in the image on the left. Also be aware that any image transparency will *not* be preserved.

Your Metaverse Banner

The Banner image is the image that sits above your Metaverse icon, and helps you differentiate your different Metaverses.

NOTE: This banner is *not* used in the app at this time. It is only used on the website.

Banner: A 4:1 Image

We recommend using a landscape .JPG or .PNG image that is 4:1 (e.g. 2400 x 600 pixels) in size.

NOTE: The image will be adjusted to fit the space. So be aware that if your image is not 4:1, then part of the image might be cropped. The Metaverse icon also covers a section of the image at the bottom, so be aware of the safe zone of the image. This safe zone is represented by the blue and red areas in the image on the left. Also be aware that any image transparency will *not* be preserved.

You've set up the basics already. You can now "Launch in VR", to view your metaverse in VR
or continue to customise your Entrance Lobby...

Your Metaverse Locations

You are now ready to move on to your Metaverse locations. These can be found in a list at the bottom of your Metaverse's Home Page.

You'll have a set of standard rooms available to you. Click on one of them to customise it.

Customising Locations

You are now ready to customise your Locations. For this you will want to have the following standard assets ready to use:

  • One Square Icon - 1:1 [e.g. 512 x 512]

  • At least One Banner Image - 4:1 [e.g. 2400 x 600]

  • Multiple TV Images - 16:9 [e.g. 1920 x 1080]

  • One TV Logo - 16:9 [e.g. 1920 x 1080] - supports .PNG transparency

  • One Wide Logo - 5:1 [e.g. 2500 x 500] - supports .PNG transparency

  • Multiple Square Images - 1:1 [e.g. 1024 x 1024]

  • Multiple Door Images - 1:1 [e.g. 1024 x 1024]

  • Various Videos - 16:9 [no more than two per room/location]

  • The art galleries support other formats e.g. 6:4

Customising locations is simple, easy and fun. Once you have finished customising your location you can always "Launch in VR" to view your customised Metaverse.

TIP: It's possible to use photos taken inside Multiverse in these content slots - you can simply "Browse Content" to access your Photos / Google Drive and Vimeo Pro videos. Photos taken inside Multiverse are great for location icons, door images and promo stands.

Doors & Door Links

One of the most powerful features of your Metaverse is the ability to link rooms / locations with each other.

There are various options for what your doors can do. We'll go into them here:

  • Location: This drop-down list lets you specify a door going to location within your own Metaverse.

  • Oculus Browser URL: Putting a regular web-page URL in here will ensure that the door opens up the Oculus Browser(!) to that URL and let you browse a website. A truly versatile feature.

  • Oculus App Launch: This powerful feature lets you link directly to another game or app on the Oculus App Store. As long as you know the App ID you can link directly to it from Multiverse - it can even be an App Lab Game or App!

  • Locked: This feature locks the door, especially useful if you don't need to use the door.

  • Metaverse URL: This is our most powerful door feature, and really lets you create a Metaverse. This will let you link to any other Metaverse location throughout the entire Multiverse!

Examples of commonly used Metaverse URLs:

It doesn't matter if the location is within your Metaverse, somewhere in the wider Multiverse, a friend's Home Room, or even another company's Metaverse. If you have the URL you can link to it!

You can find your Metaverse's URL on the Manage Page for your Metaverse. To find the URL for a location within your Metaverse, visit the Home Page of your Metaverse, and the rooms will be listed with their URLs. Finally, your personal Home Room's URL can also be found on the Manage Page or Home Page of your personal Metaverse.

NOTE: While this works perfectly for locations within public metaverses, this does not grant access to private member-only Metaverses. You will need to be a member to be able to use a door link to a private Metaverse. Likewise, you will need to be a a person's friend to access a door link to their Home Room.

The Business Park:

Zombie Town:


Grand Central:

The Campus:

Dev Zone:

The Planetarium:
[link not working atm]

Grand Central:

Linking to another user's Metaverse with a URL:

Helpful tips:

  • When copying and pasting a link from one Metaverse to another, make sure you select "copy link text" and not "copy address" (Android devices)

  • Remove the from the start of the URL

  • Check for rogue spaces at the start or end

  • If the link is to a personal metaverse (someone's home room or an apartment), the link should start with the word "personal"

  • If the link is to a non-personal metaverse (created via the website), the link should start with the username e.g. randomusername62

NOTE: This works for locations within public metaverses. It does not grant access to private member-only Metaverses. You will need to be a member to be able to use a door link to a private Metaverse. Likewise, you will need to be a a person's friend to access a door link to their Home Room.

Custom Doors

There are even websites that provide you with options for downloading custom doors to make your Metaverse more special and attractive - for example:

Linking to another Oculus App or Game:

Using the Oculus App Star Chart as an example; on the website version of the Oculus Store you can find this app is at: . The last part of the website URL shows the app ID - i.e. the digits [1951863938215666]. You would use these digits (without the [brackets]) to direct the app to Star Chart. Using this technique it is possible to discover the ID of any game or app - eg:

Similarly, the free App Lab game Gorilla Tag can be linked to with it's ID too: