

It was great to have your child back from our Christmas break. Hope you had a blessed time together with family. It was wonderful to hear stories from your child's experiences.

We spent most of the time together practicing our song "Victory Chant" that we will be doing for the Talent Show on Friday, 1/8/2021.

Reminder: We will practice before the show begins.

Please bring your child to our classroom at 4:45pm. Practice will be from 4:45p-6pm. The Talent Show begins at 6:30pm in the main santuary.

There will also be a Bake Sale going on for the evening. Come early to enjoy.

Tip: Have them eat dinner before they arrive. They may bring a snack (or purchase Baked goods) to eat after our practice time.

The song, "Victory Chant" was sent by email.