
Paper Wallets

[ Mass Airdrop Wallets]
Some early wallets didn't have any protective seal to hide the private key. I'm going to list only the wallets that have a protective seal. 

A paper wallet, which gives physical attributes to intangible Bitcoin, not only serves as a medium of exchange but also gives people the feeling of actually owning something tangible. In particular, the paper wallets introduced here, being high-value notes worth more than tens of thousands of dollars, have the potential to be recognized as an attractive means of wealth storage for the super-rich.  They can keep their Bitcoin and Mobick in the wallet, allowing them to transfer their wealth across borders freely without government detection. 

Mt. Kyeryong Ver.1 100 MO 

Mt. Kyeryong Ver.2 100 MO 

Jeju 500 MO

LA 500 MO

Sydney 500 MO

Montville 1,000 MO

[ Limited Airdrop Wallets ]

Special paper wallets are distributed through sell-out events by local partners and special community events. The following wallets are trading at a premium due to the sunk costs associated with obtaining them. 

In addition to the wallets shown below, there are many other wallets distributed by Mobick centers across Korea. You can also get a tiny paper wallet each time you buy a drink from a vending machine at these centers.

Ray Ban 1 MO

Glenfiddich 0.635 MO


Mobick Conference 0.2 MO

Todac Todac 1 MO

Genesis 0.7 MO

Rich Magazine 0.05 MO

iPhone 15 Pro 2.5 MO

SSG Jowu beef 0.72 MO

#Mobick #BTCMobick #PaperWallet