Creating Buzz

November, 2023

While waiting for bigger fish, the project team plans to generate buzz around its native token. How? That’s the intriguing part. When I first heard about it, I was blown away by its ingenuity.


It's not uncommon for people to line up in front of stores. Black Friday and new Apple product releases attract lines of enthusiastic customers. Perishable goods, however, are not as fortunate. Fresh produce or items with a short shelf life must be sold within a brief period. Unsold perishable items become a nightmare for the retailer. Even so, it's challenging to make customers crave them. Flash sales and early buyer incentives are effective but not a guaranteed way to sell them out.


The project team is in discussions with local retailers to create long lines of customers in popular shopping spots. Those who purchase the product will receive a paper wallet containing BTCMobick. The number of Mobick will vary based on the price of the product and the market value of Mobick at the time of the sale. Since consumers receive cryptocurrency equivalent to the product price with their purchase, it becomes very tempting for customers.


South Korea has just entered the winter months. The temperatures often drop below zero, which is not ideal for waiting outside. However, the enthusiasm they would feel observing other shoppers can override concerns about the weather. Imagine the buzz they would create lining up in front of stores in cold winter weather. The presence of long lines and crowds outside a store can generate publicity for BTCMobick, the product, and the retailer. It creates a sense of excitement and anticipation, and news coverage or social media posts about the lines can serve as free advertising.


Why now? It's because the heads of local companies still don’t fully grasp what this project can achieve. To them, the fact that 1,500 people hiked up to a mountaintop together to receive Mobick means nothing. The fact that 500 people flew to Australia and the States to get their hands on this cryptocurrency still sounds like a distant story in a history book. They need to see the impact with their own eyes. They need to be educated by long lines of people in front of their own yards.


Will it work? Yes. How do I know that? It’s because I’ve been through the process myself. It takes time for a doubter to become a believer, and they need proof. I was a doubter once, and what I saw turned me into a believer. It’s only a matter of time for some local companies to start begging to join this project. And once that happens, it’s game over.

*Two December airdrop events ended successfully. 700 Ray-Ban sunglasses and 1,000 bottles of Glenfiddich whisky were sold out, proving that a crypto project can successfully partner with established businesses. More airdrop events are expected for next year, following the successful precedents. 

#Mobick #BTCMobick