The value of a single Mobick

There are two assets that can be considered money in every part of the world today: gold and Bitcoin. Gold is undoubtedly the most sought-after asset. Bitcoin has proved its worth in geo-political incidents such as Syrian civil war, the US military exit from Afghanistan, and the Russia-Ukraine War. What price tag would you put on those assets? Well, it depends on when.


They say 99.9% of investors are bad at trading, and I'm no exception. In retrospect, my investment decisions so far have been a series of fiasco. In 2013, I boldly invested about $100,000 of my hard-earned money in a solar-panel business. Although I had heard about Bitcoin, it made no sense to me back then. I didn't study enough to learn about what I was putting my money into and let a local company handle it however they wanted. Well, it was, of course, a bad decision. I could recover about 20% of my initial investment through a grueling legal process, losing most of it.


The second biggest investment was in 2017, when Bitcoin skyrocketed and began to fall. Seeing what happened to Bitcoin in the previous ten years was enough to make me restless and I gave my wife about $60,000 to buy Bitcoin. She did, but there was a problem. Since she knew nothing about the crypto space, she asked one of her friends. As it turned out, her friend was deeply engaged in a Chinese scam crypto project called Plus Token. She led my wife to buy BTC and Ether on the Chinese platform. About two months later, the Chinese government arrested leaders of its project team and seized all the assets on their platform: 100% loss this time.


Those incidents were not life-threatening, but enough to make me feel devastated. Another failure was not an option since it would knock me out of the arena. 'What made it go wrong', I asked myself. The answer was crystal clear: I was too lazy to study. I didn't read even a single book related to my investment, and let somebody else do the dirty work. I justified my decisions by saying I was too busy to make ends meet, but I knew it was not true. I had to dig into it myself. I had to learn more about Bitcoin.


That's when I met Taemin Oh, the Mobick's founder. Not in person, of course. His YouTube channel was full of explanations about Bitcoin, but they were completely different from others. He didn't say anything about BTC prices, and even said prices are not the essence. He talked about the history and philosophy behind Bitcoin, and why it wasn't something to disappear. He talked about what lay ahead and what I had to do in the future, and how to deal with the crypto winter. I started to read his books and his recommendations, and I got orange-pilled again.


Oh bought as many bitcoins as he could right after he got enlightened in 2014. After months of studying Bitcoin, he determined that Bitcoin is something revolutionary like the printing press. He knew it would turn the world upside down in the near future. Since his investment, Bitcoin has shown three parabolic moves and he is financially stable now. He makes a living as a writer and sells his bitcoins one at a time when needs arise. His investment decision is the exact opposite of what I have done.


Before I dove into BTCMobick, my plan was to buy as many bitcoins as possible and HODL them. Now it is quite different. I stopped buying BTC and all the other crypto assets. I will not going to sell any of my precious Bitcoin but I will definitely sell off all the other altcoins like ADA, XRP, and MATIC when the time is right. My revised plan is to keep my Mobick and Bitcoin intact as long as possible.


Besides Oh, there is one more person I respect as an investor, and it's none other than Warren Buffett. What makes him an outstanding investor is not his technical analysis or chart readings but his amazingly long investment time horizon. He found his gems early on and kept holding them. Berkshire Hathaway first purchased shares of the Coca-Cola Company in 1988 and is still holding them. Can you imagine yourself holding any of your shares for more than three decades? Most of Buffett's wealth materialized after he turned 60. While he had been a successful investor for many years prior to that, his wealth grew exponentially during the later stages of his career. Why? It's because of his patient, long-term investing.


What do you think Warren Buffett and Taemin Oh have in common? Yes, long-term investment. No governments in the world can kill Bitcoin or BTCMobick, and they have the same upward trajectory. Since crypto markets stay open 24/7, three years in crypto is equivalent to ten years in the stock market, which means I may not have to wait 30 years to see how big Coca Cola has grown as Mr. Buffett did.


I invested $30,000 in BTCMobick today. The person I met today told me about the size of other recent purchases, which made my jaw drop. Mobick has completed its first phase—mass distribution—and is poised to enter the second phase with established local companies. Having missed out on Bitcoin a few years ago, I'm determined not to repeat the same mistake. My fate is tied to this community. All I need to do is learn more about my investment. It's my journey to find out the value of a single Mobick. 

#Mobick #BTCMobick #WarrenBuffett #TaeminOh