Why do you need Bitcoin?

Peter Zeihan says that the world is entering a period of significant geopolitical shifts. He suggests that the United States will become increasingly energy self-sufficient, which will lead to reduced American interest in global military involvement. This, in turn, could lead to power vacuums and conflicts in various regions. India will try to take control of the Indian Ocean and build huge warehouses so that it can become a local trade hub. Other countries situated in trade chokepoints will do the same. You can't expect to buy things at an affordable price if that scenario comes true.


Nanami Shiono tells us what happens when there is a power vacuum in her book 'The Fall of Constantinople.' After the demise of Rome, the entire Mediterranean region fell into chaos. The fall of the Roman Empire led to a period of fragmentation, instability, and competing power centers in the Mediterranean region, often referred to as the 'Dark Ages.'


If the US decides to withdraw and only take care of itself, there can be periods of instability and uncertainty as new power structures emerge and regions vie for dominance. Russia invaded Ukraine based on Putin's theory that the US would stay out of war, which has proven right so far.


In 'Modern Times,' Paul Johnson shows you what happens when a war breaks out in your own country. The banking system shuts down, and your government takes control of everything. Your wealth means nothing because your local currency will lose most of its value overnight, and you can't do anything with your money in your pocket. It has happened numerous times before and will surely happen again in the future.


If that kind of crisis unfolds in your country, you would have to flee from the incoming war or at least send your family out of the country. What would you give them besides food and drinks? It's meaningless to take your local money, and you don't have enough gold under your roof. Even if you had enough gold, it's almost impossible to carry it with you.


What about Bitcoin? It has no weight, and no one can take it from you. They don't even know whether you have Bitcoin. The only thing you have to carry is your private key, which can be sent to a cloud server outside your country or even memorized. In the civil war in Syria, the exodus in Afghanistan, and the Russian-Ukraine war, the only thing that freely crossed borders without detection was Bitcoin.


Even if your country doesn't experience that kind of tragedy, there is war and conflict somewhere in the world. For those people, Bitcoin is not just something in which to invest and expect returns. It's the only thing that can save them from poverty and suffering.


Do you think Bitcoin is too risky to put your money into because its prices fluctuate? In countries with super-high inflation rates, that kind of fluctuation is not something to be afraid of. In war-torn countries, Bitcoin's price fluctuation might be welcomed considering the dire situation of their local money. Most importantly, the price of Bitcoin keeps going up in the long run unlike fiat currencies.


It's very hard for Bitcoin's price to fall below a certain point because some people somewhere in the world desperately need Bitcoin at all times. And if Peter Zeihan's prediction is right, you need to save up as much Bitcoin as possible for your own sake.


*All three books in this article are strongly recommended by Taemin Oh, the creator of BTCMobick.


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