Do You Believe Michael Saylor?

First of all, I like this guy. He is handsome, straightforward, and optimistic. I agree with most of what he says. But there is one thing I want to point out.

He has been a vocal advocate for borrowing fiat currency to purchase Bitcoin as a way to take advantage of the potential long-term growth of the cryptocurrency.

Saylor has argued that borrowing money at a low interest rate and using that money to buy Bitcoin can be a profitable long-term investment strategy. He believes that the potential growth of Bitcoin's value over time will more than compensate for the interest payments on the borrowed money.

Let's assume you borrowed fiat money in early 2022 as Michael had advised. Would it bring comfort and stability to your life? 

Hell, no. Absolutely not. If you had borrowed a large amount of money to invest in Bitcoin, you may be left with a considerable amount of debt that is worth more than the value of your investment because the price of Bitcoin dropped significantly. You might find yourself unable to make your loan payments and blaming yourself for following the advice of one of the richest men in the world. Imagine the frustration you would have felt when SBF sent the BTC price to rock bottom.

Even if you are able to continue making your loan payments, a significant drop in the value of your investment can still be emotionally challenging and may affect your overall sense of financial stability and well-being.

While borrowing money to invest in Bitcoin can potentially generate significant returns, it also comes with significant risks, which is what Michael Saylor forgot to add.

Bitcoin will be traded like gold in the future and its price tag will have additional zeros on it. I'm with you on that, Michael. But you need to be more discreet if you don't want to make someone jump off a bridge.

#Bitcoin #Mobick #BTCMobick #MichaelSaylor