Teacher's Page

Target Audience

Grade: 8th Grade

Subject: Pre-Algebra and Social Studies

Big Idea: Students will be making connections between math and social studies and Pythagoras’ impact on society.

Project 1: Social Media

Project Overview

  • Social Media plays a large role in our students everyday life.

  • Incorporating a Tik-Tok inspired video to formatively assess students at the end of both units will lead to higher engagement and higher-level understanding in both Math and Social Studies.

Essential Questions

  • How have the Greeks had a profound impact on Western thought and influence on global events?

  • How is Ancient Greece the cradle of Western Civilization?

  • How can you prove the Pythagorean Theorem?

  • How can the Pythagorean Theorem be used to solve problems?

  • How do you find the length of the hypotenuse given the lengths of both legs in a right triangle?


Social Studies:

6.2.8.A.3.c Determine the foundational concepts and principles of Athenian democracy and the Roman Republic that later influenced the development of the United States Constitution.

6.2.8.C.3.b Explain how the development of a uniform system of exchange facilitated trade in classical civilizations.

6.2.8.C.3.c Explain how classical civilizations used technology and innovation to enhance agricultural/manufacturing output and commerce, to expand military capabilities, to improve life in urban areas, and to allow for greater division of labor.


8.G.8 Understand and apply the Pythagorean Theorem.

  • 8.G.B.6 Explain a proof of the Pythagorean Theorem and its converse.

8.G.B.7 Apply the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the unknown side lengths in right triangles.

Project Rubric


You are going to create a “Tik-Tok” inspired Flipgrid to teach your classmates. The video must include:

  • What is one specific thing Pythagoras contributed to society besides the Pythagorean Theorem.
  • Create and explain an example finding the missing side to a right triangle (Hint: The sides MUST represent a Right Triangle--Converse to the Pythagorean Theorem).

Students will also comment on each other videos and take part in a digital discussion about Pythagoras.

Blooms Taxonomy

  • Students will create a video about Pythagoras. They will produce their own work.
  • Students will evaluate:
    • Pythagoras impact on history.
    • Their peers videos on Pythagoras
  • Students will draw connections between Math and Social Studies
  • Students will apply skills of Pythagorean Theorem to solve an equation

Students will understand and explain Pythagoras impact on history

Multiple Intelligences

  • Visual-Spatial: Students will utilize pictures, diagrams, transitions, images, and text to reinforce content and create greater interest in Pythagoras and the Pythagorean Theorem in their videos.

  • Bodily-Kinesthetic: Students will actively create and act out their TikTok inspired FlipGrid videos.

  • Musical: Students will be able to narrate and act music or sounds to their videos.

  • Interpersonal: After all videos are submitted, students will be able to comment and watch their classmates videos on the class Grid.

  • Intrapersonal: Students will create their own videos on FlipGrid and do their own research to find Pythagoras’ contribution to society (other than the Pythagorean Theorem).

  • Linguistic: Students will explain their historical findings and own self-created math problem on the class Grid and respond to other students.

  • Logical/Mathematical: Students will use the Pythagorean Theorem to calculate the missing side length on a right triangle.
