Sweet scope secret page

Showing Klara

Klara is a catapult which can be fire without touching her. The idea behind this is that she is sensitive to touch and gets overstimulated easily. So using only the movement of your hands you can fire Klara. Watch video on the right to see her in action!

This is made with an Arduino, distance sensors, servo motors and some MDF wood. It is not as polished as I would like it to be, but I learned a lot while making her.

Companion claustrophobia

This is a game you play without visuals. There is only sound. Sadly it is not in a playable state, but (ironically) I can show you some of the design of it.

You are trapped in a cave, you have to escape! Meanwhile there are zombies coming at you. You cannot see anything in this dark cave, but your dog can! Keep them close by petting them and listening to their barks as the zombies draw near. Use the sword to ward them of and cut off your handcuffs to escape!!

I did this project with 3 other students. I was the game designer for this project and designed the interactions and the way sounds were used to give the player information. 

From left to right:

If you keep the dog befriended they will guide you to ward of the zombies.

If you don't... Well that's not going to end well...

Even though it is not playable, we do have some sounds to hear:

Intro audio .mp3
geluid moodboard