Content Analysis

In a world of information, how do you know where to begin? Learn how to develop effective search strategies for finding and evaluating information, including dynamic online content. Consider how information is packaged and shared, and the impact of format and mode of delivery on the value of the information.

Capstone Assignment

Please select and complete one of the following options to show your mastery of this domain. For any of the 3 choices, also include a sentence or two in the text box about your reasons for selecting the mode of communication that you did.

Option #1: Create a concept map of how all the elements within the Content Analysis Badge link together for you. You might want to use, Popplet or another concept mapping program to create a visual representation of these connections. This concept map won’t look like the badge diagram on the Content Analysis page. It will reflect how you think about each piece, perhaps with examples or situations. Make sure that you somehow connect and make meaningful what you have learned. If you engage in this modeling of your thought, please upload your concept map as an image file using the submission form. Brownie points for sharing it with others to solicit their feedback, or tweeting about your thoughts as you worked on this challenge!

Option #2: Start a blog (using Weebly, Tumblr, Blogger, WordPress, or another website builder) or use a blog that you’ve already created. Over the course of 5-6 thoughtful, analytical posts, outline your thoughts as described above, only in text rather than as a concept map. Please provide both the text of the blog posts pasted into the text box below, and the link to the blog where you’ve posted your informed comments.

Option #3: Please make the connections through thoughtful reflection as described above by creating a video or animation. allows for free unlimited 30 second videos. Because these are short, consider each one equal to a blog post, and create and publish 4-5 of them. Provide links to the series in the text box.