Designing a Schedule





  • The season will begin on or after November 15, continuing to March 31, and excluding the dates from December 8 to January 5, in any given year. Challenges will take place on Wednesdays during this time and will begin at 1:00 PM unless pre-arranged in the schedule or at a time that has been mutually agreed upon by the two clubs in the match.

  • Matches are normally held on a Wednesday. If it is not possible to hold the match on the assigned date, the teams by mutual agreement can arrange an alternate day for the match and festivities. The date must be prior to the Wednesday of the next match in the schedule. Without a mutual agreement between the clubs, a FORFEIT will be assigned as necessary.

  • The schedule, established by the Trustee(s), will be forwarded to the Club Coordinator(s) in October and will be based on the present Holder of the Cup and challenges that have been registered in the Book of Matches, or other clubs who have made requests through the Trustee(s). Trustee(s) will take into consideration numerous factors, such as travel distance, when building the order of the schedule. All club requests may not be satisfied. The final decisions will be made by the Trustee(s).

  • The season will continue until all challenges are held or the season comes to an end. Extra challenges in any one season will be given priority in the season the following year.

  • If there are vacancies of potential Wednesdays at the end of the season’s schedule, additional challenges will be allowed and arranged by the Trustee(s). These challenges must be requested of the Trustee(s) prior to February 1 of that season.

  • If a challenge is not held due to the Holder’s club being unable to appear at the Challenger’s club (Example: weather or travelling conditions) a forfeiture will be declared and the Challenger/Host club becomes the new Holder.

  • If a challenge is not held due to the Challenger’s club being unable to host the Holder’s club (Example: unplayable ice conditions at the Challenger’s club) a forfeiture will be declared and the Holder club retains the Cup.

  • For matches that cannot be played due to an INTERVENTION:

1) if the ruling affects both clubs, the match will be canceled and the Challenger's challenge will be added to the end of the season's schedule. The current Holder of the Cup stays as the Holder into the match on the next acceptable Wednesday, OR

2) if the ruling affects only one club in the match, that club will be assigned a DEFAULT and the other club declared the HOLDER of the Cup.
