Historical Cup Pictures

If you look carefully at these pictures you will see that the original design of the Cup had a top.  Nothing is known about the top's disappearance.

1926 McLellan Cup

 Match 226

  Sydney and Mayflower Curling Clubs

             1928 Mayflower Curlers                                        at Truro

                            Match 235

REAR (L TO R): E. Eveleigh, H. W. Gates, T. W. Mullane, E. Cameron, B. C. Woodworth, J. H. Buchanan

CENTER (L TO R): H. M. McLeod (Skip), C. W. Durrant (Skip), P. L. Cleary (President), A. Montgomerie (Skip), J. W. Jordan

FRONT (L TO R): W. F. Bedwin, J. D. Monaghan

1933 Sydney Team with the                                 McLellan Cup  

                      Match 296

REAR (L TO R): W. R. Tracey, H. C. Ballem, E. E. Shaw (President), L. I. Snell, S. H. Stevenson

FRONT (L TO R): W. D. MacKay (Skip), F. N. Farquhar, G. G. Spencer, G. A. Hault (Skip)

         The Sydney Curling Club               went undefeated during the          1933 -1934 season

Amherst Curling Club with the                         McLellan Cup                                                Match 310

REAR (L TO R): J. C. Murray, A. H. Lamy, Hon P. C. Black, N. T. Avard, C. A. Crawford, E. S. Livingston

FRONT (L TO R): W. H. Tennant, C. B. Chapman(Skip), G. W. O'Brien(Skip), W. B. Calhoun, H. A. Webster(Skip), D. S. Briggs

                  Winners 1935