
The McLellan Cup is a now a challenge trophy for men's club curling within the Maritime Provinces of Canada. It has been continuously played for yearly since 1907.

The trophy was first competed for in an Inter-Provincial Bonspiel between New Brunswick and Nova Scotia at Moncton in 1887. After being played for in this form for a number of years, it was found too difficult to arrange the annual event and it was agreed to make the Cup a Challenge Trophy. The first recorded challenge match in the documentation was on Jan 8, 1907 in Truro between Truro and Halifax. In the early days teams played 21 ends to declare a winner. Over time, it became 18 ends and now stands at 14 ends being played by the teams to declare which club will go on to the next challenge.

This historic trophy was the gift of the Hon. David McLellan, who at that time was a member of the Legisiative Council of New Brunswick. Please see the BIOGRAPHY menu item for more details about the cup benefactor.