Prophets of Allah ... Grades 2 & 3 (MCCGP)/Ages 6 & 7 (MAP)


Allah (SWT) created the first man, the Prophet Adam (AS), from clay and gave him knowledge of lot of things. Adam (A) was not like the other creations on Earth. He was a very special creation of Allah (SWT). Allah gave him a mind with which he could think and choose. He gave him a heart in order that he may feel and love. Allah (SWT) "Put onto him His own spirit." (15:29)

The Disobedience of Iblis: Allah’s special gift to Adam (A) was the gift of knowledge. He taught Adam things. He taught (A) many him the names of "all things." He gave Adam (A) a desire to learn. None of Allah’s (SWT) creations knew as much as Adam (A) did, not even His angels. He was very special to Allah (SWT). One day, Allah (SWT) asked the angels and the jinn to come and see Adam (A), His new creation.

Allah (SWT) then asked the angels to bow down to Adam (AS) to show him respect and they all obeyed Allah(SWT)'s command. Iblis, who was a jinn among the angels did not obey Allah (SWT)'s command.He thought he was better than Adam (AS), because he was made out of fire and Adam (AS) was created out of clay. Iblis was too proud of himself and was stubborn. He didn't obey Allah(SWT)'s command.

Allah (SWT) is kind and merciful, but He does not like disobedience. Allah (SWT) was angry at Iblis and made him leave Jannah. Iblis had no choice. He had to leave. Before he left, he told Allah (SWT) that he would make Adam (A) and all his children disobey Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) said he could try, but the good people of Allah would never listen to him.

Allah (SWT) created all creatures on Earth in pairs. Allah (SWT) created another human being along with Adam (A), a woman named Hawwa. She was a beautiful and noble woman. Adam(A) and Hawwa lived in Jannah. They were both happy there. Allah (SWT) gave them everything that they wanted. Allah (SWT) told Adam (A) and Hawwa to eat any of the fruits and vegetables in Heaven, except for the fruits of one tree. Adam (A) and Hawwa were very careful to keep away from this forbidden tree. They wanted to obey Allah (SWT).

However, Iblis did not like Adam (A) and Hawwa. He thought it was Adam’s (A) fault that Allah had sent him away. He wanted to get Adam (A) and Hawwa kicked out of Heaven just like he had been. So he kept trying to make them disobey Allah (SWT). He told them if they ate the fruit of the forbidden tree, they would live forever. Finally one day, Adam (A) and Hawwa both decided to eat the fruit. They disobeyed Allah’s (SWT) commands. As soon as they tasted it, they both felt very sorry that they had listened to Iblis. They tried to hide in the woods and cover themselves. They felt very ashamed and did not want Allah to see them. But Allah (SWT) sees everything, and He knew what they had done. He ordered them both to leave Jannah. Jannah is only for those who obey’ Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) sent Adam (A) and Hawwa down to Earth.They prayed to Allah (SWT) to guide them. Allah is All Forgiving and He forgave them and guided them.

From the story of Adam( A), we learned that we should never listen to Shaitan and always follow Allah( SWT)'s teachings.


The Prophet Salih(AS) was sent to the tribe of Thamud who were prosperous builders and architects of their time, but without faith in Allah. He asked his people to worship one Allah, but they ignored him.

One day, as a test, he asked them to allow a she-camel, sent by Allah, to graze and drink. But they killed her and were then severely punished by Allah's sending them a terrible earthquake which buried them all in their own fortress like houses. Only Prophet Salih(AS) and his followers were saved.


The Prophet Sulayman (AS) ruled over Jerusalem, just like his father, Prophet Dawud (AS).

Allah (SWT) gave Sulayman (AS) power over the winds, and the jinn and the ability to understand the language of the birds, beasts and insects. He always thanked Allah (SWT) for these blessings.


The prophet Yunus was sent to Ninevah. He warned the people about their evil ways and told them to follow Allah but they would not listen. Yunus was so angry he left. He sailed away but the ship was so full and heavy, poor Yunus was thrown overboard. He was swallowed by an enormous fish and he lived in its belly for three days. Yunus (AS) prayed to Allah (SWT) from the belly of the fish and Allah( SWT) answered his prayers. The fish spewed him out on a shore.

He was very ill but Allah was protecting him.A gourd plant grew and its leaves protected Yunus (AS) from the sun. A wild goat provided him with milk. When he became better, he went back to Ninevah and gave the people Allah's message once more. This time the people listened and Allah forgave them.


A long time ago, a great tribe lived in the south of Arabia. They were called Ad. They were very clever and could do many things. They used the mountains for their homes. They carved out great mansions with wonderful pillars. They called their city Iram. It was very famous. As time went on, the people of Ad thought more about themselves and less about Allah. They thought they didn't need Allah, because they had lots of money and power. They thought they were being clever but really they were foolish.Before long they turned to bad ways. Gangs of them used to rob and kill people traveling by. There was still one good man among them. His name was Hud. He did not belong to any of the gangs. He did not agree with the things they did. He tried to tell them to stop their bad ways and told them to follow Allah's ways.

Hud said Allah would punish the bad ones but most of the people still would not listen. They thought they were more clever than the Prophet of Allah. Allah told Hud (AS) to take all the good people into a big cave near the city. The very next day a terrible tornado came and only the good ones, the ones who had listened, were saved.


Dawud (AS) was not born in a king's family. He was a simple boy who worked for a king named Talut.

Once Talut was preparing his army to fight the mighty enemies. Among those enemies was a giant named Jalut or Goliath. Everybody was scared to fight with Jalut because he could kill people with one swing of his sword.King Talut asked his soldiers to challenge Jalut. However, nobody came forward.

Then young Dawud (AS) came forward. Dawud (AS) was aware of Jalut's strength and thus he prayed to Allah to give him patience and make his feet strong.

Dawud (AS) was good at shooting pebbles from his sling. He started shooting pebbles and they shot out at a speed of bullets and hit Jalut all over his face.Jalut fell on the ground and died. The army of Talut chased away the enemies and Dawud (AS) was rewarded by King Talut.

After the death of Talut, Dawud (AS) became the King and Allah (SWT) later made him a Prophet. He was given Zabur, a Book of Allah.

Some of the qualities of Dawud AS were that he knew the language of the birds. He learned melting iron and used iron to build shields for his army.