Game Jam Projects

Some highlighted game jams I've partaken in. More can be found on my page:

Lost (and found!)

2021 | Game Jam Project | Boat Minigame

I teamed up with the same members of my student team from the Professional Projects module, to take part in the Global Game Jam 2021. This game was also done remotely online due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The theme was Lost and Found - our game was about rescuing survivors on deserted islands and avoiding sharks on the way. I was mainly involved in the background art, UI, player ships and other icons.

Play it here!:

Main Responsibilities/ Role:

  • Co-designer: Worked with other designers in conceptualising gameplay mechanics, features and UI/UX design.

  • Asset artist: Created assets for the player boat, shark obstacles and pickups such as fuel and shields. I created sprites for the survivor boat to deliver survivors. I also illustrated the main menu and screen title, as well as the ocean background.

  • UI Deisgn: Created icons for the GUI of the game such as the health bar, icons to represent the amount of survivors on the boat and the ones saved.

Lost In Dimension

2020 | Game Jam Project | 2 Player puzzle game

I took part in the Online Together Jam that was hosted by YMCA Scotland, to produce a game with the theme of "Mentor-Student".

This theme was open which we eventually interpreted as a two player game involving two kids trapped in parallel universes with one player having movement and interaction with the world around them, and the other having text-based answers.

The two players would need to interact in order to solve puzzles that each other cannot see.

Again, this game jam was purely online.

Play it here!:

Main Responsibilities/ Role:

  • Co-designer: Discussed gameplay mechanics and features with the team. Ideas of linking narrative and storytelling with our gameplay, as well as the dual use of text based adventure vs. platformer puzzle game for the different players.

  • Responsible for the narrative aspect of the story; writing a story for the game to follow.

  • 2D Art: Primarily designed the player characters; creating animated sprites for walking and idle. Creating profile sprites for the other player in the text based game - providing differing emotions.

  • Creating backgrounds for the text based component, as well as the start screen.

  • UI/ UX Design: Designed the UI layout of the text-based component and main menu (features, buttons, icons etc). Icons for the platformer element for player prompts.

  • Creating the presskit and PDF for the team to submit.

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