Stage Selection

Final Destination: This is probably your best bet stage-wise. Platforms are one of Sheik’s best friends and landing sucks for her on this stage. Removing those (and also removing platforms as a mixup option when she recovers) are both good things for you.

Yoshi’s Story: Another decent stage imo. This stage, along with Pokemon Stadium, is one of two stages where Sheik can NIL on the side platforms, so just be aware of that when getting platform tech chased. Also she can sweetspot up smash you if you tech roll into center stage when you land on a platform so be aware of that as well. Regardless of that, it’s still a small stage and you can get some dumb early KOs here since you’re Marth. Also watch out for walljump shenanigans, Sheik can, again, get some ridiculous reversals or even stocks like this.

Pokemon Stadium: Second best stage after FD in my opinion. Again, only having two platforms limits her movement and she also doesn’t really have side platforms to Up-B to since they’re so far into the stage. Plus you have lots of room to move around here. Just be wary of her needles, she also has a lot of room to camp you here.

Fountain of Dreams: Pretty much the same story as Yoshi’s. Small, so Marth KOs off the side are pretty silly. The platforms can also mess with your combos and tech chases so keep that in mind. I’m okay with this stage because it just feels easier to get back than on YS since you can dip so low. Still, walljump shenanigans again. Watch out for them.

Dreamland: HAHAHAHAHAHA no. Unless you want Sheik living to like 300 every stock, NEVER counterpick here.

Battlefield: I would try to avoid taking Sheik here. Battlefield is probably her best stage after Dreamland because...well, it’s Sheik on Battlefield, not much else to be said there. If you have no choice it’s okay I think but I’d prefer YS or FoD over this. That’s more of a matter of personal preference, though. If you like this stage, go for it.

FDL, Melee Marth R&D Discord