Terra is a 32 Player Battle Royale developed entirely in UEFN. The map receives major updates monthly (content updates, new seasons) and smaller updates every so often (bugfixes, small content updates). 

The end-goal is to create a game which rivals Apex Legends; multiple maps, classes, and unique fast-paced gameplay.

Most recent updates from Newest to Oldest. Click on an image to view the corresponding article.

The Floor Loot Update

Floor Loot is finally here. It's about damn time.

Balance Update v3.2.1

A collection of changes to further improve on gameplay.

The Quality of Life Update

Welcome to Brightside Resort, the world's number one place to hit the waves! We've got the latest and greatest luxuries, from Healing Benches to Nitro Fangs! 

New Articles

These are the newest articles that have been published, with the most up-to-date information!

The Crumbling Castle

Phoenix Steele struggles to understand what's going on with the Forever Fortress.

Phoenix Steele's Hatch Investigation

Taking place throughout Battle Charge, Phoenix Steele investigates the mysterious hatch found beneath what was Heart Lake.

Featured Articles

These are hand-picked articles from the past that relate to present day events! If you're interested in the lore, read up on these :)

Ancient Ruins

Once found everywhere on the Arena, these ancient ruins were the last remaining artifacts of the past.

The Forever Fortress

Centuries ago, this is where it all went down.