Phoenix Steele's Hatch Investigation

Throughout Battle Charge, players could interact with Audio Logs left by the intrepid explorer Phoenix Steele

After being recruited into the Terra Games for his excellent survival skills, he came across the mysterious hatch located beneath Heart Lake. His love for exploration and adventure led him to seek out what exactly this hatch is meant for, so he began to record these short tapes about his findings as he explored the island in search of answers. 

Throughout the tapes, he makes his way into a hidden entrance underground, getting closer and closer to the answer he seeks. After venturing through the dark, gloomy caves beneath the island, he figures out what exactly the hatch is utilized for. It's the Arena's defense system, but why would it need protection?

Wave 1 Logs:

Log 1:

Is this thing on..? Hi! My name is Phoenix. I’m an adventurer, skilled in exploration and survival. I was invited to compete in the Terra Games, thanks to my excellent skills-and, well, my good looks. And now here I am, recording an audio log in the middle of a bloodsport. Why am I doing this, you may ask? I found something in the arena. Underneath what the viewers dubbed “Heart Lake,” I found a strange hatch. I, being the adventurous man I am, want to investigate it.

Log 2:

I’m currently venturing south, where those towering mountains are. The geography of this area is so bizarre. Back in my home planet these massive stone spikes were everywhere. They’re much larger over there however. And much more prevalent.

Log 3:

These mushrooms are huge, could they be related to the hatch? These massive fungi are unique to this planet; never before have I encountered such a thing. They’d make for great cover in rainy weather, that’s for sure.

Wave 2 Logs:

Log 4:

I might’ve found a lead! In the mountain range, there’s this really dark cave hidden behind some bushes. By the looks of it, the cave goes really deep. I wonder why. Well, I suppose I should just head in.

Log 5:

Shockingly, there’s almost nothing here. I’ve been navigating through here for about half an hour, you’d think I’d come across something by now. I’ll keep venturing deeper in.

Log 6:

Upon further investigation of this cave I can confirm that there is in fact something hidden down here! It’s what seems to be an abandoned mineshaft of sorts. I should be clear to investigate further, it’s clear that no human has been down here for ages.

Wave 3 Logs:

Log 7:

From what I’m seeing, there isn’t anything of importance here. Most of the modern technology seems to be abandoned, and there’s a ton of seemingly medieval structures. Touching these objects sends a shiver down my spine. I don’t like this.

Log 8:

According to my GPS, I’m right around the hatch’s location. I can see some functioning technology, but it’s all too advanced for me. The medieval structures are strangely all intact, it’s almost as if it’s frozen in time.

Log 9:

I found the hatch! There’s what looks like a control panel on the wall, I’m heading over to it now. Ooh, there’s a set of instructions. “Activate when needed. Don’t let it fight back.” That’s.. Interesting? I guess I’ll write this all down. Just in case.

Wave 4 Log:

Log 10:

It’s been a few weeks since I recorded the last audio log, I figured I didn’t need to do any more since I found the answer to my question. But as you may have noticed, Nova Corp have been excavating various ruins across the island. Normally, I wouldn’t think much of it. And I didn’t. However, since they began excavating, I’ve begun to hear noises from underneath the island that definitely aren’t normal. And it’s not just me hearing this. Almost every other competitor is hearing it too. Additionally, there’s those rainbow crystals that have been shooting out of the ground left and right. The first one warped a primal village onto the Arena, who knows what those four new ones might do. I don’t understand what’s going on, but I have a strong feeling that Nova Corp aren’t telling us the full story. Listen- I’m running out of time for this audio log, but I just want to tell whoever’s listening to this to stay safe, and please stay away from the hatch and crystals. It could be super dangerous.