Update 3.4

Floor Loot is finally here. It's about damn time.

Terra is Going Out-of-Season

Starting with v3.4, Terra is going Out-of-Season for the first time ever. Following the cancellation of Vanguard, I took a bit of time to rethink my approach to Terra for the rest of 2024. After some time, I decided it was best to pull Terra out of Origins and into an Out-of-Season state, as all Origins-related content has been released. 

A multitude of changes such as a loot pool rework, Origins-exclusive content removal, and various map changes have been made in order to put Terra into this Out-of-Season state.

Regarding the next major season of Terra: development is currently underway. Currently, I have it slated for Late 2024 - Early 2025, as I really want to take my time with it and make sure that I can ship the best experience possible.

Gameplay Updates

Floor Loot

Floor Loot is finally here!

Loot Pool Update

With Terra moving Out-of-Season, the Loot Pool has been reworked and brought to a simplified state.

Upgraded Healing Items replace Legacy Healing Items

After the nightmare that was Healing Benches, I've decided to replace the Legacy Healing Items with Fortnite Chapter 5's Upgraded Healing Items.

New Weapons

Vaulted Weapons

New Consumables

Vaulted Consumables

New Loot Pool

Battle Mods Removed

After a LOT of thinking, I've decided that Terra is better off without Battle Mods for now. The initial vision for Battle Mods were more in line with playable characters in class-based shooters, such as Overwatch or Apex Legends. Battle Mods will return eventually, but for now they'll be unavailable.

Driftboards Return

First found in the Summer Splash 2023 event, Driftboards have returned once more.

Detailed Notes:

Miscellaneous Changes

Map Updates

Summer Festivities Arrive

With the Summer season arriving, Brightside Resort is hosting their own Summer party for all to partake in!

Brightside Resort Decorated

Ruler's Rise Decorated

Celebrate Terra's First Anniversary

As of June 24th, 2024, Terra turned 1! Chow down on a slice (or slices!) of cake to celebrate.

Driftboard Stands

Returning from Summer Splash 2023, Driftboard Stands are once again on the Arena!

Driftboard Stands are Located at:

Miscellaneous Updates

Final Notes

That's all there is! This update will drop at 12:00 PM PST on 07.06.24, have fun exploring all that's new when it's available!

Additional Note: I apologize for the recent hiatus and how it came at the worst possible time, I promise I won't do anything like that again. I'll be repurposing scrapped Vanguard content for other projects, so if you're interested in any of that I'd recommend keeping your eyes open!