v2.0.1 Update Notes


• Fixed an issue where The Looter's damage boost would apply to all players in the class, not just the instigator.

• You should no longer fall out of the battle bus skydive volume. (Player Collision Disabled)


• Tweaked the Storm's initial radius and bounding radius. It should not form over the island anymore.

• Nerfed the passive ammo gain.

   •  30s -> 40s

• Buffed the Looter class.

 •  Damage Boost increased: 5s -> 7.5s

• Buffed the Combat Medic class.

   •  Chance for food item increased: 25% -> 35%

• Nerfed the Soldier class.

   •  Damage boost decreased: 1.25x -> 1.2x


• Updated the win screen.


• Increased the volume of the Audio Logs.

• Squeak!