Kara no Shoujo - The Second Episode

Kara no Shoujo 2 is a continuation of everything I love about the Kara no Shoujo series and builds upon in every aspect. Everything I said in my review of KnS1 applies here as well. Whether it be the writing, themes, mood, or Touko, it all applies.

There is quite a bit of quality of life improvements from the original Kara no Shoujo that many people would enjoy. Investigations are made more clear-cut and endings are less ambiguous, making it easier to breeze through the VN. The Revoice edition also includes a skip to next choice button, making skipping that much more streamlined.

The new additions to the story were also a very warm welcome. I really enjoyed the wintry setting of Hitogata. Innocent Grey nailed the rural setting perfectly and made it into a real breathing town. The way it is used as a supposed blanket of security before things all come crashing down in genius and it is astonishing to see how well-crafted it really is.

Some old characters return, but the new characters that are introduced are intriguing in their own right. As with KnS1, they each have their own arcs as they explore the concepts of obsession and freedom within themselves. Those two ideas, they are still prevalent in KnS2, as Innocent Grey manages to put new spins on those ideas they explored in KnS1. Despite everything, it still feels fresh and unique.

Compared to the first Kara no Shoujo, everything here flows really well. There is an established sense of pacing, as things are always moving, with nothing being jarring to the grand scheme of the narrative. It has many thought-provoking ideas and endearing character interactions, and it all relates back to those core themes that keep coming up and up again. it really does feel like a complete package in a sense.

The narrative itself never lets up one bit and is filled with suspense the whole way through. It manages to capture the readers from the get-go as it slowly unravels every event and plot point bit by bit. KnS2 does a fantastic job at building up its story. Every detail is relevant, as it is able to create a tense atmosphere through its narrative plot points.

The true end is perhaps my favorite ending in any medium. It is heart-wrenching and full of sorrow, bringing about a sense of catharsis within the readers. The search for the truth is a agnonzing, painful one, but it is a necessary step one must take, and just experiencing the raw emotions of the true end left me empty for a long time afterwards.

Kara no Shoujo 2 is without a doubt a narrative masterpiece and the wait for the final entry to the series is as painful as ever. And maybe a happy ending will finally await Reiji, his reward for all his torment and suffering.

Someday, I will see you again, my dear Touko...