Inochi no Spare

honestly did not like this that much. The best way I can describe it, is that it feels like one of those drama seishun anime like Anohana and Your Lie in April. It shares the same faults as those and is a large component towards my dislike for InoSpare. It is heavily melodramatic, never letting up on its turgid dialogue. Scenes are blown heavily out of proportion and ultimately makes everything seem like a big farce. There isn't a sense of tension built up at all, as it's just a constant droning of the characters saying "I'm sad, and I don't know what to do about it". This stunts character growth and development and makes the character seem like caricatures, made only to make the external threat appear devastating. This makes things into an unintentional comedy, which is pathetically hilarious, though not the first show of this nature to achieve that status. I was legitimately laughing during "tense, emotional" moments because of how forced and silly they feel within the confines of the story. In particular in the middle of the VN where the two sisters are fighting over not wanting the other to die and the MC is outside, "protecting" them from their dad who just wants to see what is going on. The MC was quite literally ready to fist fight the dad. It's stuff like this that just makes me question the logic of the VN and why such questionable scenes need to be in there.

Instead of focusing on more internal aspects of the disease, the VN would much rather bring up external drama and involve the characters "not getting" each other and making such a big farce of the situation. It's written to "tug at heartstrings", but the emotional impact is not there when the characters are not acting logical. Much like other media of the same vein, besides the illogical characters, the characters themselves exist only to serve the story and not feel alive in their own way. The supposed romantic relationship that was built up has no chemistry at all. There is no time dedicated to make them develop proper feelings for each other nor making it seem like they truly care for each other. It just made it much more painful to read since the lack of sincerity in these types of works is quite frustrating.

The final arc of the story is h-scene spam, which destroys any sense of tension (there wasn't that much to begin with) built up. This is compounded with the fact that the relationship between the two doesn't even feel organic, cheapening the h spam even more, with it being a constant droning on an already bad story.

Ultimately, InoSpare is a work that very much prioritizes supposed "feels" over developing an organic story with properly fleshed out and dynamic characters. I feel like if InoSpare was made into an anime, it would be a hit given how well received Anohana, Your Lie in April, and the like were received. Not my taste at all, but something that people seem to like.