




 Book Publications:

*  Interviews for Medical School - Multiple Mini Interview (MMI) Practice, ISBN 9781913755324, Apr 2023.

* Fibromyalgia, ISBN 9781913755249, July 2022.

* Managing Long COVID Syndrome, ISBN 9781913755201, Mar 2022 (FIRST international evidence-based textbook on Long COVID Syndrome).

* Chronic Pain Management, ISBN 9781910079911, Sep 2020.

* CRQs in Anaesthesia, ISBN 9781910079799, Aug 2019.

Chapters published:

* Pain chapter in the CCrISP (Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patient) Course Manual, Royal College of Surgeons, 4th edition, ISBN 9781904096337, 2015.

* Drugs, equipments and basic principles of spinal interventions. In Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Pain Medicine, Spinal Interventions in Pain Management, 2012. ISBN 9780199586912.

 * Thoracic spine interventions. In Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Pain Medicine, Spinal Interventions in Pain Management, 2012. ISBN 9780199586912.

Publications in 2017:

* A rare case of facioscapulohumeral syndrome with widespread chronic pain. Pain News Sep 2017; V15, No 3, P 114-115.

* Pain management in a teenager with Morquio syndrome - case report. Pain News Sep 2017; V 15, No 3, P 118-119.

* Audit of non-theatre intervention in the pain service. Pain News Sep 2017; V 15, No 3, P 121-122.

* Audit of non-theatre interventions in the pain service. British Journal of Pain, May 2017; V 11, Issue 2, S1, P46-47.

* A rare case of facioscapulohumeral syndrome presenting with chronic widespread pain. British Journal of Pain, May 2017; V 11, Issue 2, S1, P 81-21.

* Post truth, Glass-cliff - Guest editorial, Pain News Mar 2017; V 15, No 1, P 4-6.

Publications in 2016:

1. Spotlight - Thanthullu Vasu, Pain News, Dec 2016; V 14, No 4, P 114-145.

2. Relaxation and distraction workshop for paediatric pain, Transmitter, Faculty of Pain Medicine

2. Innovation and example of excellence published by Faculty website, Royal College of Anaesthetists accessed at Royal College website.

3. Induction book for pain trainees, University Hospital of Leicester NHS Trust, Sep 2016.

Publications in 2015:

1. Pain News article

2. Pain chapter in CCrISP manual (Care of the Critically Ill Surgical Patients), Royal College of Surgeons 4th edition. ISBN 978-1-904096-33-7.

Publications in 2014:

1. Regular editorials for the quarterly Pain News,  British Pain Society publication, as the Chief Editor.

Publications in 2013:

1. Regular editorials for the quarterly Pain News, Publication of the British Pain Society as the Chief Editor.

Publciations in 2012:

1. Two chapters including: 

        - Drugs, equipments and basic principles of spinal interventions

        - Thoracic spine interventions

in Oxford Specialist Handbooks in Pain Medicine, Spinal Interventions in Pain Management, 2012 (ISBN 978-0-19-958691-2)

2. Editorials for the Quarterly Pain News as the Chief Editor; was responsible to raise the quality and profile of the publication amongst a wide multidisciplinary readership. This publication has a readership of more than 1600 and is published by SAGE publishers. (ISSN 2050-4497 [print] and ISSN 2050-4500 [online]).

3. Reviewer of Postgraduate Medical Journal (BMJ publications) including articles on opioids in chronic pain.

4. Reviewer of Health Technology Assessment.

Publications in 2011:

1. Chief Editor for the first issue of POEN- newsletter of the Welsh Pain Society; Vol1, Issue1, Jan 2011 (ISSN 2046-0333[print] and ISSN 2046-0341[online]).

2. Editorial for POEN vol 1, issue 1, Jan 2011, Page 1.

3. My Sciatica and me-Everest Base Camp - Published in Pain News, British Pain Society, P 41, Spring 2011.

4. Editor of Pain News- Summer, Autumn and Winter issues. 

Publications in 2010:

 1. What do Research Ethics Committee look for? - Published in Pain News, British Pain Society, P 32-33, Spring 2010.

2. Wrote a chapter on "Thoracic procedures - Epidural" in Oxford Specialist Handbook in Pain Management, 2010.

3. Wrote a chapter on " Drugs, equipments and basic principles of spinal interventions" in Oxford Specialist Handbook in Pain Management, 2010.

4. "Opioid prescription is an art of medicine" BMJ rapid responses accessed via on 11th January 2010.

5. "The message is clear! Do it properly!" BMJ rapid responses accessed via on 15th January 2010.

6. "Satisfaction of patients attending pain clinic" - presented as poster in Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Manchester, April 2010.

7. "Use of opioid before and after the pain clinic consultation" - presented as poster in Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Manchester, April 2010.

8. "Evaluation of outcomes from the pain clinic" - presented as poster in Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Manchester, April 2010.

9. "Do opioids have a role in functional pain syndromes? Yes" - Published in Pain News, British Pain Society, P 21-22, Autumn 2010.

10. Invited reviewer for the article "Recent advances in opioid prescription for chronic non-cancer pain" by the editor of Postgraduate Medical Journal, Nov 2010.

11. "New BPS process manual for publications"- Published in Pain News, British Pain Society, P57-58, Winter 2010.

Publications in 2009:

1. Tales from North Wales - published in Pain News, British Pain Society, Spring 2009.

2. Facet needs CLEAR thinking - published in Pain News, British Pain Society, Spring 2009.

3. GP survey, published in Pain News, British Pain Society, Winter 2009. 

4. Chronic pain services in North West Wales- a G.P. survey -presented as poster in Annual Scientific Meeting of the British Pain Society, Sandown park, Surrey, Mar-Apr 2009.

5. Audit of preoperative investigations - presented as poster in the GAT meeting, Cambridge, July 2009 (Dr J Patil, T Vasu).

6. Post-dural puncture headache- nine months on! - presented as poster in North Wales Anaesthetic forum, 28th November 2009 (Dr Gururaj, G Roberts, T Vasu).

Other publications:

1. Patient-led identification of the midline of the lumbar spine - published in European Journal of Anaesthesiology, Vol.20 (S30), 2003, p116.

2. Practice and preference for regional techniques among anaesthetists - published in Anesthesia and Analgesia, 2007; 104; S260.

3. Was awarded M.D. for the thesis on "Comparison of two different doses of epidural buprenorphine for postoperative pain relief" by The Dr MGR Medical University, Madras, India, 1999. This study was presented in the Glasgow Anaesthetic Research Society in May 2000.



Dr Thanthullu Vasu MBBS MD DNB FRCA Dip Pain Mgt FFPMRCA FIPP