Dr Thanthullu Vasu
Chronic persistent pain can destroy the quality of life of the sufferer and their family!
Chronic pain consultants listen to the patient's problem, understand how it affects them, make a comprehensive pain management plan and help in their recovery.
Even though it is difficult to get rid of the chronic pain, with appropriate intervention, we can improve the quality of life. Pain clinic offers various modalities, often together, to achieve this goal.
You take control of your pain; Don't ever let it take control of your life!
Dr Vasu has been in the field of medicine for more than three decades; he has been a consultant in NHS for more than 15 years. He sees more than 1000 patients every year and has an empathetic approach. He also specialises in managing pain and fatigue in long COVID syndrome.
He has written five textbooks including books on chronic pain management, fibromyalgia and long COVID syndrome. He has extensive experience and skills in injection procedures to help with chronic pain.
"Divine is the task to relieve pain" -Hippocrates