Socratic Seminar methods

This course is a model of active learning and discovery, involving first hand experience participating in Socratic Seminars. This course provides intensive practice, with a major seminar at the end, online discussion and activities, plus small group and large group critiques and exercises that develop the skills of Socratic questioning and seminar leadership. The course is experiential, with emphasis on guided practice in active learning. By regular participation in and personal and group reflection upon Socratic Seminars, participants discover for themselves how Socratic Seminars teach students critical reading and thinking through dynamic classroom discussions.

This course will use a blended learning environment with work completed in ASD's LMS Canvas -online units to be completed before in-person meetings:

Full UAA syllabus (school year) here:

Full UAA syllabus (ASDSA) here:

What is Socratic Seminar?

quick review of how Socratic seminar promotes learning in the CCSS


Criteria for selecting texts for seminars in your course




comprehension strategies


small groups aka coaching groups

Grapple & Grow

coaching groups

question writing - QFT

seminar preparation


running the seminar

grading methods