June 23, 2021

Regular Meeting Agenda: 6:00 pm Regular Meeting

Tuesday, June 23, 2021

Fremont County School District Number One 

Board of Trustees

863 Sweetwater Street

Hello members, 

Here is an update from the Tuesday regular board meeting. 

Board of Education - Meeting Agendas and Minutes

J. Kail and M. Escadero were participating via Zoom; T. Nirider and T. Jacobs were absent from the meeting. All others were present in person; S. Jensen was acting board chair. The meeting was called to order on time.

Recognition and celebration of retirees: Susan Bletner, Jim Keen, Mike McConnell, and Kirk Norman.

No community comments were made regarding the items on the agenda.

BOCES budget discussion. BOCES will be offering PTSB credit classes this summer, including Getting Started Right in August which is directed at new teachers.

A detailed Tech presentation was done with lots of great information about what the technology department has done, is doing, and is going to do. You can look at it here: Tech Presentation to School Board 06-2021.pdf 

Tech Presentation to School Board 06-2021.pdf

Superintendent Barker reported student recognitions for sports awards and team recognitions.

Mr. Meyer of LMS spoke briefly about his gratitude for tech purchases that will help improve LMS tech club, and Robotics club as well as his STEM class.

The board then moved into executive session to discuss personnel actions.

7:18 they returned from executive session and approved the personnel actions as presented on the agenda.

Policy GCBD - Family Medical and Leave had its second reading and was approved with changes.

Much discussion around the board/admin retreat and adding more meetings to the schedule. Discussion around more involvement of the board liaisons with the school administration. Meetings may be held the first tuesdays of AUG, SEPT, OCT NOV at 6:00pm.

A one time bonus for teachers was discussed. J. Kail offered up questions regarding using the funds for the depreciation reserve to be better able to retain future positions. K. Hitt pointed out that the funds couldn't be used for salaries. It was confirmed but noted that the money could be used to offset general fund reserves.

A one time $1,000 bonus to All employees hired as of 03/01/2021 and are continuing on in SY 2021-2022 was motioned and seconded, but the motion did NOT carry.

A second motion for a one time bonus of $500 to All employees hired as of 03/01/2021 and are continuing on in SY 2021-2022 was motioned and seconded, and the motion DID carry.

2021-2022 Handbook changes were briefly discussed, included that the LMS handbook had more changes. The board with discuss again in July.

Strategic planning timeline was discussed regarding keeping it as a living document. There was discussion about doing a light touch review. The board will look at creating a timeline and how that looks continued on the agenda.

Job sharing was discussed around Superintendent Barker creating a policy. The purpose of the policy was questioned and it was determined the intent of the policy is for desirable staff retention.

Exit survey data from voluntary outgoing staff was discussed and the trends were pretty positive.

End of year teacher survey data is available on the meeting agenda.

Elevating student voice discussion will continue into the future.

Hunter's Safety being added to the curriculum was discussed. A more immediate action was presented of doing an afterschool option in conjunction with game and fish until an opt-in elective can be created and go through the CCC.

Next meeting is July 13th

meeting adjourned at 9:06