December 13, 2022

Letter Shared by Sergio Maldonado at the FCSD#1 school board meeting December 13, 2022

Regular Meeting Agenda: 6:00 pm Regular Meeting

Tuesday, December 13, 2022

Fremont County School District Number One

Board of Trustees

863 Sweetwater Street


Board Meeting -Disclaimer- Notes from the board meeting are intended to highlight the major events/decisions/tone of the meeting as determined by the Lander Education Association representative attending. 

They are NOT meant to be an exact transcript of the entire meeting.


For items with documents, those are available on the website of the governing board at the Lander Schools Website.


1. 6:00 General Business

A. Call to Order 6:00 pm by Dr. Barker

B. Pledge of Allegiance

C. Additional Agenda Items

Jared Kail add - climate survey

Under discussion add - drug use and testing

D. Adoption of the Agenda

Motion carries

2. 6:05 Election of Officers

A. Election of Board Officers: i. Chairperson

Nominations - Taylor Jacobs - to keep current positions

Someone nominated Taylor

Someone nominated Kathy Hitt

Jared was elected Chairperson

B. Election of Board Officers: ii. Vice Chairperson

No other nominations

Motion carries to keep the officers the same

C. Election of Board Officers: iii. Clerk

D. Election of Board Officers: iv. Treasurer

3. 6:15 General Business (Cont.)

A. Approve Minutes - November 15

B. Recognitions

Student recognized - Jesse Foutz and his youtube video of ceramics. Board members asked questions

C. Public Comment

For items not on the agenda - not related to the library issue.

No comment

4. 6:45 Programs-Reports-Presentations

A. Presentation from Brian Farmer on Sup Search Proposal + Climate Survey Proposal

Zoomed in from Denver International Airport

Would like to get started over the holiday break. A minimum of a 4 week posting period is recommended. End of January and the beginning of February should be closing the process. There are fewer people that do the work of a Superintendent. Can expect 15-24 applicants.


Then it is time to engage stakeholders that are going to engage the educational effort. Recommend a stakeholder forum. Also have done staff forums

More information is on the slideshow on the Lander Schools Website


Climate survey created by the same organization. Developed a service to save money and create a climate survey, customize and build the tool around the questions that the board wants to ask. The board would like to get more information about suing the climate survey.


B. Board Member Reports

Kathy Hitt saw the band and choir concerts

Legislative luncheon TJ went to - there were questions asked about the lander school board directly.

SJ - School Board Association about surveys and the superintendent search

JK - Welcome to the new board members. Went to the hunting stories with Zach Evan. Also went to the evening legislative sessions and the questions were different, more budgetary.

C. Student Board Rep Reports

D. Superintendent's Report

5. *Consent Agenda

A. Approve expenditures and pre-approve utility payments and financial report

B. Reporting of Home School Students & Curriculum

C. Designate the superintendent or his designee as the authorized person to sign State, Federal, and special education contracts and grants

D. Designate the Curriculum Director as the District's representative for Title VI, VII and IX of the US Education Code

E. Appoint the law firm of Copenhaver, Kath, Kitchen, and Kolpitcke to represent District

F. Appoint the Lander Journal as the official newspaper of the District

G. Stipulated Expulsion Agreements

6. 7:15 Action Items

A. Personnel Actions

Recommend approval.

Motion by Taylor Jacobs, second by Kathy Hitt.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Taylor Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell

B. Establish the board meeting dates for 2023

TJ - respectfully ask to modify the schedule, more meetings did not mean quicker meetings. 

KH - objected to additional meetings. certain times of the year that we could keep a couple of those meetings, but overall 2 meetings a month isn't good.

SJ - more dates in January and February

A meeting can be called by the board chair.

Recommend - defer to second May meeting - move April 4 and June 6 meeting

DB - no September, keep November

scratch 4/4

Motion by Taylor Jacobs, second by Kathy Hitt.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Taylor Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell



C. Accept Audit Report

TS - latest financial report

pg 79 summary of auditors results - clean - unmodified is the best opinion, checked ESSER funds, SAMHSA

one issue - not related to financial statements - gave $$ to the district rec board - they have their own set of people and do their own finances - they are to report to us monthly. Issue on timeliness - addressed it with the rec board they have hired a part-time bookkeeper. going forward should not be a problem.


Motion by Kathy Hitt, second by Mike McConnell.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Taylor Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell


D. Determine stipend for early resignation

Approve a stipend for early resignation Policy - last para if submits prior to Feb 15 they may be provided a stipend. per recommendation forthcoming

DB - recommend $1,000 stipend for early notice

TJ - history - last year no stipend; stipend was $0

KH - money comes out of this year's funds - YES

TJ - determination - data on how many did early resignations

helps us look at staffing

Motion by Scott Jensen, second by Karen Harms.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell

No: Taylor Jacobs


E. Accept Monetary Donations

$2,500 - LOR Foundation grant LMS/LVHS band program - deposited into their activity accounts

$proceeds from little kid program over $2,000 board has to approve

Motion by Taylor Jacobs, second by Kathy Hitt.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Taylor Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell


F. Selection of Firm for Superintendent Search

Select WSBA for search

motion to select WSBA

WSBA will come in under cost - given time constraints


Motion by Kathy Hitt, second by Mike McConnell.

Final Resolution: Motion Carries

Yes: Aileen Brew, Karen Harms, Kathy Hitt, Taylor Jacobs, Scott Jensen, Jared Kail, Mike McConnell

7. 7:45 Discussion Items

A. Review Board Committees

Board Liaisons:

GPE/JC - Michelle Escudero

BCE - Scott Jensen

LMS - Kathy Hitt

LVHS - Taylor Jacobs

PHS - Jared Kail


Board Committees: (This section will be updated with who is serving on which committee as soon as the board document is updated)

Lander District Recreation Board

Fremont County BOCES

Curriculum Coordinating Council-CCC

Tiger Joint Powers Board

Wellness Committee

Salary & Benefits Discussion Committee


Safety & Security Committee

Policy Committee

Strategic Planning Committee

B. Library resource selection

From Agenda:

Purpose of library discussion:


   - Gain an understanding of how our libraries are curated, particularly the middle school and high school libraries.  

   - What kind of oversight / review process is in place, how can this be made transparent

   - How can a concerned parent, student, or community member raise an objection to a book, how do they know they have been heard and their concern was addressed

   - Discuss the importance of trust and transparency, particularly in the library and curriculum materials


– We will NOT be considering the removal of specific library titles

IIAC - Selection of Library books

IIAC-E - Exhibit - Citizen's Request for Reconsideration of a Book or other Material

IJLA Public Complaints About the Curriculum or Instructional Materials

Public Comment before discussion. JK clarified procedures. The school board meeting is a meeting of public officials held in the open, it is not a public meeting, in that there is nothing in statute that mandates comments must be taken from the public. The board does want public input; the way public input is allowed is ultimately up to the board. 

KH - would it be beneficial to have the discussion of the board first and then have public comment after? No opposition to that. 

JK agreed that would be the way to do it.

JK A reminder that if things get disruptive, the board does have the ability to adjourn into a private session.

Discussion leads with SJ who proposed the agenda item - his stated purpose is not to attack anything currently. An awareness of the controversy around the nation and the growing sentiment of distrust between parents and the school district, including in this district. SJ felt it would be appropriate to inform the board members and the community of our district processes to avoid any future controversy.

Barker - discussed policies from a broad perspective and had librarians fill in.


The various librarians discussed the databases they use to determine how books are selected for the libraries. They have a formalized process that is utilized to determine the books added to the library that all the librarians district wide use. The process is very deliberate and set. The librarians are certified and have the training on how to find appropriate books for their grade and age level library. The librarians have read the majority of the books in the libraries currently. The lists of books available in the libraries are listed on the website for each school.


TJ - the policy hasn’t been revised since 2014. Could we add it to the agenda to review in the next couple of months. 

SJ - do we have access to a database that has a rating scale like movies do?

Response - There are guidelines for each book based on reading level and suggested ages for the books. There is generic information such as adult genres, etc. 

Parents can request that their student can not check out books of the entire genre (e.g. horror), it is an easy process to talk to the librarian directly and they can make a note in the system for everyone to see.

The librarians can also use the system to add that parents get emailed the list of books checked out by their student.

Parent complaint review policy - KH - it should be more than the superintendent that makes the final decision.

KH - should have it be noted that you can first go to the librarian as part of the process, and then the next step would be to fill out the form on the website. (in response to accessibility of the form via the Lander schools website)

Librarians have noticed parts that could tighten up the process for parent requests and would like to give input when that policy comes before the board for updating.

AB - We should celebrate the libraries as a place that students get a choice and to explore and exercise their right to learn.

MM - if it isn’t broken don’t fix it, it just needs a few repairs.

JK - jump into public comment - 2 minutes each speaker

Recommend to policy - echoed what KH stated, that it be the superintendent, the principal of that school, and the librarian, i.e. to have a committee.

Sergio Maldonado spoke about the need to represent native cultures in the discussions of books to offer. Shared a letter from the Northern Arapaho Business Council. The letter is included as a jpg below this entry.

Lander community  member - feels that the true agenda of this item is not being stated. Would like it stated that the goal is to ensure that marginalized voices are heard in our schools. Concerned that the actual discussions are being held behind doors. Also stated that this member of the community doesn’t trust the board. Telling the board “You have work to do to regain trust from the community. This position isn’t about you, it is about the kids. Please do your service to our kids and to our community and be aware of what this discussion means especially in our current climate.”

Lander community member - This member spent 2 hours with the LVHS librarian to discuss various items in the library. The concern was about issues with being informed about what kids are checking out. Would like clarification about the process, as it is clunky. Communication with the parent so they can discuss the books the students are reading. Better communication that is consistent with what students are checking out.

Lander community member - this member has kids that have already graduated - the member is thrilled that Mike McConnell is here on the board. This discussion has been reassuring to me. Glad to hear that this is not a bonfire right now. Glad to hear that complaints could go to committee. 

A member of the district - recognizing that the library is holding its own with not generating any formal complaints.

Lander community member - experience with mental health, criminal behavior, etc. Incredibly impressed with this school board and the group of community members that have expressed their concerns. Impressed with the librarians. 


Public comment over.

KH - this was a better process for the public to hear our discussion first and relieve the anxiety of what the discussion COULD be about.


JK’s added topic of drug use in the district - 

A policy to allow or require students to be drug tested for extra-curricular activities.

KH - we should check with our lawyers to make sure we aren’t targeting athletes. 

DB - other districts have policies that cover all activities

KH - what would we be doing as a preventative measure?

MM - one thing we definitely need to have is informed parents and caregivers

JK - maybe part of the policy could be to bring an awareness piece to parents

TJ - this is a big deal, this is a safety issue in our community. We have been asked by community members to have a call to action.

JK - we are on the cusp of losing a kid. We need to do something. Terrified about what could happen

Kathy - is drug use a health issue or a discipline issue?

Student rep - the informational meetings were for parents and not for students. There is a lot of information that students don’t have. More student awareness could be something to look into

KH - the board needs to be targeted and thoughtful in our preventative measures. The first age of use is 8.

JK - Would like Barker to bring a comprehensive policy


C. Retreat topic ideas

Soliciting ideas from board members - 

JK could we all bring our top issues that we would like to address over the next months

Kathy - would like to have a plan for how we are going to do things, to be more consistent with topics at meetings.


8. 8:15 Administrative Details/Reminders/Future Plans

A. January 2023 WSBA board training TBD

B. January 14, 2023 WSBA Board Workshops - Riverton

9. Adjournment


* Approval of agenda simultaneously approves Consent Items.

*Consent Items Disclaimer: Our adopted rules of Parliamentary Procedure, Robert's Rules, provide for a consent agenda listing several items for approval of the Board by a single motion. Most of the items listed under the consent agenda have gone through Board subcommittee review and recommendation. Documentation concerning these items has been provided to all Board members and the public in advance to assure an extensive and thorough review. Items may be removed from the consent agenda at the request of any board member.