assessment tools

Tools used in Assessment

Assessment Tools

These tools are for immediate use with students in the classroom. They are suitable for use in many different contexts and are aimed at improving assessment practices. A range of schools across Victoria have used some of these tools and their feedback and suggestions for use are included.

The tools are grouped under the following headings:

Graphic organisers - tools to visually represent thoughts, ideas, knowledge and concepts. They help to organise thoughts and to promote understanding. This section contains sample graphic organisers and some examples of how they were successfully used by schools for various purposes.

Review and reflection tools - enable students to review and reflect on their knowledge, progress, and what they have learnt and achieved during a unit, topic or project. Some tools are specifically designed for early years students.

Feedback tools - enable students to provide feedback on their work and performance. It also includes strategies for teachers to increase the wait time when asking questions in class.

Rubrics - printed sets of criteria for assessing knowledge, performance or product and for giving feedback. The following tools are examples of rubrics and how they are used in schools.

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